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28 Jun 2011 17:52


Offbeat: Eguchi Aimi, fledging Japanese pop star, is computer generated

  • Somebody just lost their dream girl: We certainly wouldn’t fault any fans of Japanese pop group AKB48 if they’re feeling a bit sore or a bit duped. As the video above exposed last week, the sixth and newest member, Eguchi Aimi, doesn’t fit the job prerequisites for an “all-girl” band — she’s actually entirely computer generated. Her features were cobbled together from the faces of her flesh-and-blood partners — there’s something both cool and deeply disconcerting about this. source

04 Apr 2010 12:13


Culture: Weird Al could make second career out of grammar correction

  • We want him to do this everywhere. With that same annoyed look. We would post every single video of him doing it, because good grammar deserves rewards.

08 Feb 2010 20:33


Culture: This number should scare you out of drinking another Coke

  • 87% added risk of pancreatic cancer for pop-drinkers source

07 Feb 2010 10:47


Music: Pop song rhythms + stock market volatility = An awesome graphic

  • This is kind of awesome. Comparing stock trends with pop hits (complete with links to YouTube videos for each song) is pretty brilliant. In case you’re wondering, the songs are chosen not by their popularity, but by their beat variance. They represent the average. Which is why Erasure’s 1994 hit “Always” got picked over Bon Jovi’s 1994 hit “Always.” source

12 Jan 2010 22:55


17 Dec 2009 21:42


Biz: Pepsi doesn’t think the Super Bowl is the best use of their ad money

  • 23 the number of years that Pepsi has had a prominent part of the Super Bowl advertising extravaganza
  • refresh what Pepsi plans to do with their ad money instead, using it for a Web-based charity program source

10 Dec 2009 22:33


Music: Old, new, borrowed & estrogen-packed: The Lilith Tour’s back


  • She’s the queen bee. And she’s swarming the country with lots of ladies next summer. Sarah McLachlan’s Lilith Tour (not “Fair”) is hitting a city near you soon. Here’s a smattering of her swarm:
  • lilith_sheryl1210
  • lilith_indigo1210
  • lilith_tegan1210
  • lilith_metric1210awesome
  • lilith_bareilles1210notgonna

05 Nov 2009 09:06


Music: Carl Sagan is so cool Jack White covers his hit records

  • Jack White is releasing a cover of “A Glorious Dawn,” a Carl Sagan-meets-autotune-meets-mashup ditty (featuring special guest Stephen Hawking), which is kind of like “Autotune the News” for famous scientists. What’s crazy is that it’s a full-featured pop song with multiple choruses. And now White’s covering it and releasing it as a 7″ vinyl record. Neat. (Note how we completely ignored the other news at the link. There’s a reason for that.)source

26 Sep 2009 11:16


Music: Brilliant! UK tunesmith Dan Bull takes Lily Allen to task

  • Lilly Allen recently threatened to give up music on an anti-piracy blog she created. Then she took the blog down. As Allen made her name on file-sharing, that statement sounded hypocritical to some. Now Dan Bull, a UK musician with a similar style to that of Allen, has a video for a song which criticizes the star for just that.source

15 Sep 2009 20:57


Music: They Might be Noble Gases: TMBG goes periodic table

  • This, my friends, is how we keep nerds off the street: We have them come up with music designed to teach kids cool things. The two Johns are now safe from danger.source