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01 Sep 2010 18:45


Politics: Extreme conservatism isn’t all the Tea Party has to offer!

01 Sep 2010 11:09


Politics: It’s not even November, but lots of incumbents have already lost

  • 7 incumbents have lost their seat in Congress so far source

01 Sep 2010 11:01


Politics: Tony Blair has a massive mancrush on George W Bush

  • I was asked recently which of the political leaders I had met had most integrity. I listed George near the top. He had genuine integrity and as much political courage as any leader I ever met.
  • Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair • Geeking out about George W. Bush in his new memoir, “I Love George” “A Journey.” In the book, he claims that, while the former president was very smart, he had “immense simplicity in how he saw the world.” He says that while they got on a little awkwardly at first (due to their differing  politics), the relationship improved over the years. He also had kind things to say about Bill Clinton, too, saying he was a “political soulmate” and defending him over the Monica Lewinsky affair. source

31 Aug 2010 20:31


U.S.: Obama: The (combat end of the) Iraq war is officially over and stuff

  • Mission accomplished? Obama’s presidential address tonight marked the end of a long war (as far as combat operations go), and the next step will be to move forward and deal with more pressing concerns – Afghanistan and the economy. Now, there were certain things that might cause great disagreement – the somewhat firm emphasis that we’ll be getting out entirely next year is kind of a biggie – but ultimately, average people aren’t in this mode anymore. They want to see a stronger economy, not a never-ending, ultra-contentious war. source

31 Aug 2010 09:03


Politics: “Republican candidate” looking pretty darn good this year

  • Gallup’s latest poll of generic candidates favors the GOP big time. While there’s a difference between John McCain and Sharron Angle, the fact of the matter is that the most recent result is the most extreme showing in the 69-year history of this particular poll. And the lead has doubled in recent weeks, too. Which leads one to think Democrats are going to be screwed in November.
  • 10% the lead over “Democratic candidate” in the latest poll
  • 7% the lead in the same generic poll as of two weeks ago
  • 5% the lead in the same generic poll as of one month ago source

30 Aug 2010 09:42


World: Vladimir Putin wants to be Russia’s president again in 2012

  • No, it interests me like … I wanted to say like everyone, but in fact more than everyone else. But I don’t want to make a fetish out of it.
  • Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin • Discussing making another presidential run in 2012. Heh heh, he said “fetish.” Putin would be able to stay in power a full six years if reelected. In other news, he had this to say about Democratic protesters without permits: “If you get (permission), you go and march. If you don’t – you have no right to. Go without permission, and you will be hit on the head with batons. That’s all there is to it.” Heh. source

29 Aug 2010 23:16


Politics: Max Headroom: Epic Glenn Beck rally post-mortem edition

  • Not our next president Beck was asked by Chris Wallace this morning if he would possibly consider a Beck/Palin presidential ticket after the huge success of yesterday’s event. He called himself “unelectable.” Understandably.

  • most over-the-top chatterOn “Reliable Sources” today, Howard Kurtz took his boy Bill Press to task for comparing the Beck rally to “granting al-Qaeda permission to hold a rally at Ground Zero.” Really?! Oh boy.

  • View from the MetroOne enterprising DC blogger, Carlos in DC, did a lot of his own coverage of the rally, and most of it is worth reading. The highlight for us is this clip which shows the glut of people from another angle.

29 Aug 2010 20:34


U.S.: Obama says that he’ll work harder for Katrina victims

Here’s Obama speaking at Xavier University today. He said that he hopes that Katrina’s legacy after five years can be “not one of neglect, but of action.” source

29 Aug 2010 20:20


Politics: Obama doesn’t worry himself about whether people think he’s Muslim

  • There were those who said I couldn’t win. because I had a funny name. I trusted in the American people’s capacity to get beyond all this nonsense.
  • President Barack Obama • Taking on the unfounded claims about his religion by saying he’s not bothered by them. In other news, his old pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, totally had his back on his religion. Too bad the AP got that fact incredibly wrong. It’s “sycophants,” not psychopaths. Big difference. source

29 Aug 2010 12:10


Politics: Big GOP wins could cost Congress its pro-female momentum

  • 10 fewer female seats in Congress if the GOP wins big source