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05 Mar 2010 11:47


Politics: N.Y. Gov. David Paterson not exactly doing well in the polls

  • 46% of those polled say David Paterson should finish his term
  • 42% want to throw the scandal-ridden bum out of office early
  • 12% want to know why you’re bothering them source

04 Feb 2010 21:10


Tech: Former VP: Microsoft’s shooting itself in the foot, big time

  • What happened? Unlike other companies, Microsoft never developed a true system for innovation. Some of my former colleagues argue that it actually developed a system to thwart innovation.
  • Former Microsoft Vice President Dick Brass • On why Microsoft’s internal structure is hurting its abilities to create future innovations, forcing them to coast on prior victories such as Windows and Office. Basically, he claims that there is a strong system of corporate competition in the culture, one that has the effect of stifling innovative ideas. Their successes led to them limiting risk. He knows, because he was pushing e-Books and tablet PCs years ago, long before Apple made a big deal about it. One of his team’s most innovative ideas, ClearType, was prevented from being fully implemented in Windows for years because other teams held it back. These sorts of image issues don’t help Microsoft’s long-term cause. source

10 Dec 2009 10:57


U.S.: The phoenix of Eliot Spitzer continues to rise in New York state

Give it up to the former New York governor, ensnared in scandal. The current governor says he’d be a good candidate to run for state office again. source

10 Nov 2009 20:34


Politics: Doing it wrong: Our favorite anti-health-care protester photo ever

This Catholic priest decided to lay on the floor outside of Nancy Pelosi’s office last week. He’s going to take health care lying down. source

06 Nov 2009 12:46


06 Nov 2009 12:43


U.S.: BREAKING: Another mass shooting, this time in Orlando, Florida

  • eight people were shot in an Orlando high-rise office building source

15 Jul 2009 10:53


Tech: Microsoft’s Office 2010 ad proves they have a sense of humor

  • MS instantly earns brownie points for this wonderful ad about their best product. We miss you like a brother, Clippy.source

04 Jul 2009 20:42


Politics, U.S.: Sarah Palin: I’m leaving office to change the freaking world!

  • I am now looking ahead and how we can advance this country together with our values of less government intervention, greater energy independence, stronger national security, and much-needed fiscal restraint.
  • Sarah Palin • On her Facebook page, in response to the criticism she’s gotten since deciding somewhat randomly to leave office yesterday. Without offering firm details, she makes it clear that her future plans involve trying to focus on improving things on a national scale. Regarding the sometimes hostile response to her resignation, she says that “for some reason a different standard applies for the decisions I make.” • source

03 Jul 2009 16:53


U.S.: Sarah Palin’s rise to prominence happened fairly quickly

  • Then today, claiming that she wanted to do more for the world outside of government, she unexpectedly resigned. Depending on who you ask, the post was either holding her back or she screwed up. Too early to tell.
  • 2006
  • 2008
  • 2009

29 Jan 2009 18:37


U.S.: Goodbye Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, we knew you well

  • 59-0 The state senate vote to kick Rod out of office source