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13 Mar 2010 13:08


Culture: The first and only time “The Marriage Ref” will ever be funny

  • OK Ricky, we admit it. We put crack in your drink. Pretty much everything about “The Marriage Ref” is stupid as heck, especially the fact that Jerry Seinfeld produced it, but at least the celebrities appearing on the show seem to realize it too. Ricky Gervais calls it “the weirdest show I’ve ever been on,” and is bewildered at his fellow celebrity guests – Larry David and Madonna. At least the celebrities agree that this show sucks. source

12 Jun 2009 15:12


Culture, World: Madonna finally gets her matching Malawian adopted child

  • A couple months ago, Malawi blocked Madonna from the opportunity to adopt a second child from Malawi, saying she shouldn’t have gotten the first kid, David Banda. source
  • But a higher court today allowed Madonna to have Mercy, saying the first court didn’t take into account the fact that she REALLY cares about (adopting) Malawian children. source

26 May 2009 09:28


Music: You need a little more Flaming Lips + Madonna in your life

  • The Lips joined up with fellow band Stardeath and White Dwarfs, which features Wayne Coyne’s nephew, to do a killer cover of Madonna’s “Borderline.” Sweet. (And the video’s cool too.)source

19 Apr 2009 10:30


Culture: Madonna fell off a horse again. And no, it wasn’t her high horse.

  • The Material Girl also fell off a horse in 2005. Between the Kabbalah, the adoptions, the sex books and the lengthy pop career, Madonna has a pretty interesting life. But we bet you didn’t know Madonna rode horses, too. And she tends to fall off of them, too. In 2005, the pop singer broke a bunch of bones when she fell off one at her birthday party. She didn’t hurt herself that badly this time, just bumps and bruises, but isn’t it weird that she was on a freakin’ horse in the first place? source

13 Apr 2009 09:08


Culture, World: Madonna: Hey Malawi, here’s why you should let me adopt

  • Madonna wrote an e-mail to The Nation, a Malawian newspaper, on her reasons for adoption. source
  • She said she hoped that “Mercy,” like David, could grow up rich and come back to help Malawi. source

03 Apr 2009 05:46


Culture: Madonna didn’t read Malawi’s fine print for child adoption

  • 18 to 24 months amount of time prospective parents need to be residents of Malawi before getting a kid source

28 Mar 2009 21:57


Culture: Saving the children, one at a time: Madonna looks to adopt again

  • Well, that’s one way to build a family. Madge has taken a specific liking to the children of Malawi, where she adopted her son David a few years back. Now she wants to adopt Mercy James, a young orphan who would be a sister for David. A court will hear her case next week. By the way, Madonna is 50, which means she’s AARP-eligible. source

13 Feb 2009 09:15


Culture: You realize Madonna released a whole book of these, right?

  • $37,500 for a naked photo of her source