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24 Feb 2011 10:56


Tech: Apple’s new MacBook Pro makes us long for an upgrade

  • Admit it. They’re MacBook Pros. Of course you want to have sex with these machines. That said – the changes in the new MBP lineup appear to be under the hood rather than cosmetic in nature, with a way faster processor and graphics card, a much nicer camera, and something called ThunderBolt, a potential USB replacement that Apple says is 12 times faster than Firewire and 20 times faster than the ubiquitous port technology. It makes our current unibody Mac seem like a piece of crap we picked up from the scrap heap two years ago. source

27 Nov 2010 11:58


Tech: Laptop-buyers clearly preferring MacBooks over everything else

  • 36% of laptop buyers want a MacBook in the next 90 days, a jump of 11 percent from last month
  • 19% of laptop buyers are looking to buy a Dell laptop, down four percent from last month
  • 22% of laptop buyers want an HP laptop, also down four percent from last month source

07 Jun 2010 10:19


Tech: “Magic Trackpad”: Do you have room in your life for such a device?

  • This is where it’d fit in your life. You know, next to your keyboard and mouse. Let’s face it – Apple’s MacBook Pro trackpad is one of the greatest mousing devices ever created, and at today’s WWDC conference (which Gizmodo hasn’t been invited to), they’ve reportedly separated the trackpad from the laptop. As long as you didn’t hurt the MacBook Pro, guys. We’re not sure we could even imagine such a thing. (Photo by Dan Berte) source

24 Jan 2010 20:36


Tech: “It’s got Windows on it, I promise.” Steve Ballmer signs a Macbook Pro

  • Good idea, better reaction. Uncle Fester, a.k.a. Steve Ballmer, was caught off guard when a college student asked him to sign his Macbook Pro. Without losing a beat, the Microsoft Chairman and CEO signed it for him, with the phrase “Need a new one?” plastered on it in permanent marker. Awesome from all corners. source

01 Jul 2009 23:53


Tech: Here’s that new under-the-radar Firefox 3.5 feature you heard about

  • Have a MacBook/MacBook Pro? Three words: Twist between tabs. If you’re like us, you have three bajillion tabs open at any time, and it’s hard to move between them. Fortunately, CrunchGear has shown us the light, and it’s light in the form of using the MacBook’s multi-touch twist function (which you should seriously try in Photoshop) to switch between tabs. It’s seriously a tiny little innovation which you didn’t know you needed until you used it. source

24 Jan 2009 02:15


Tech: Mac prices, then and now

  • $2,495 cost of a Mac at its 1984 launch; Apple’s new machine was underpowered at the time source