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20 Jul 2011 13:24


Tech: Apple does a bunch of updates (OSX Lion!), kills off a classic breadwinner

  • cool While exterior changes didn’t happen (did it need any?) the new MacBook Air is a heckuva lot faster and comes with solid-state drives by default.
  • cooler The Mac Mini, sort of the redheaded stepchild of the Mac line, also got a fresh upgrade — notably without an optical drive of any kind.
  • coolest Mac. OSX. Lion. In the Mac App Store. You don’t even need to leave your apartment to upgrade it, guys. Do it naked if you want. source
  • » It’s so hard to say goodbye … Not all changes were in the form of hello, however. The polycarbonate MacBook, a stalwart of the line since Apple’s move to Intel, is gone, effectively replaced by the MacBook Air. It’s the first time in a decade that Apple hasn’t sold a white plastic notebook of any kind. A sad day, but one full of new beginnings, right?

24 Feb 2011 10:56


Tech: Apple’s new MacBook Pro makes us long for an upgrade

  • Admit it. They’re MacBook Pros. Of course you want to have sex with these machines. That said – the changes in the new MBP lineup appear to be under the hood rather than cosmetic in nature, with a way faster processor and graphics card, a much nicer camera, and something called ThunderBolt, a potential USB replacement that Apple says is 12 times faster than Firewire and 20 times faster than the ubiquitous port technology. It makes our current unibody Mac seem like a piece of crap we picked up from the scrap heap two years ago. source

05 Sep 2010 16:13


Tech: To those still stuck with the iPhone 3G: iOS 4.1 helps (a little)

  • Oh, the lowly iPhone 3G users. Many didn’t upgrade their phones to iOS4, or immediately regretted it, because the new version of the OS was such a dog as to render the phones unusable. Fortunately for those users, the upcoming iOS 4.1 update will help fix that problem, making the phone at least somewhat usable. Don’t expect any miracles, though: The iPhone 3G only has a quarter of the RAM of the iPhone 4 and half the RAM of the iPhone 3GS. And it also has a dog-slow processor, to boot. (We’re still rockin’ iPhone 3.0 on the 3G, just an FYI.) source

12 Apr 2010 10:45


Tech: Don’t let Apple get you down, Adobe. Bask in the CS5 glow.

  • Just in time for that Flash-to-iPhone converter! Adobe finally launched its Creative Suite 5 today, which features (among a myraid list of things which we could spend hours posting) 64-bit support for Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects; Adobe’s BrowserLab Web testing suite; support for many popular CMSes directly within Dreamweaver; and some feature that (heartbreakingly) allows you to save Flash apps as iPhone apps. source

27 Dec 2009 11:40


Politics: A quick note to the Obama administration on airline security

  • The president is very confident that this government is taking the steps that are necessary to take our fight to those who seek to do us harm.
  • Robert Gibbs • Speaking about airline security and Obama’s role in making sure it’s done right. You know, Barack, you seem like a reasonable dude, so whatever you do, keep in mind that you were once in coach like the rest of us, and you know what it’s like. Don’t force rules on us that fudge the real issues of improving security. It helps nobody and angers normal people greatly instead. source

27 Oct 2009 09:48


U.S.: Obama’s looking give out money to improve the aging energy grid

  • $3.4 billion the amount to be shared between 100 “smart” utility programs source

10 Aug 2009 23:50


Tech: Microsoft: We want to get rid of Internet Explorer 6, but we can’t

  • The engineering point of view on IE6 starts as an operating systems supplier. Dropping support for IE6 is not an option because we committed to supporting the IE included with Windows for the lifespan of the product.
  • Dean Hachamovitch, the guy in charge of the Internet Explorer team • Describing the problems that Microsoft has with getting people to upgrade from that crappy browser they made almost a decade ago. “The choice to upgrade software on a PC belongs to the person responsible for the PC,” he notes, and says that many people responsible for PCs are organizations, not individual users. While developers will encourage IE users to upgrade, “We will also continue to respect their choice, because their browser is their choice.” • source

14 Jul 2009 13:04


Tech: Here’s a couple of notable software versions, supernerds

  • 23 The highest software version – that honor goes to Broderbund’s Print Shop, which has been getting new versions nearly as long as we’ve been alive source

23 Jun 2009 11:08


U.S.: Feds: We told the D.C. Metro to upgrade trains; they didn’t yet

  • The trains involved were getting old and outdated. In response to a 2004 crash that injured 20, the National Transportation Safety Board says that it told the city of Washington in 2006 that it needed to upgrade some of its trains or phase them out. It didn’t happen. “They have not been able to do that and our recommendation was not addressed,” NTSB spokeswoman Debbie Hersman said. For Metro riders: this is not good. source

15 Jun 2009 22:31


Tech, World: Twitter listens to its customers when it comes to Iran

  • Twitter planned a necessary upgrade for today at a somewhat strange hour (9:45 p.m. Pacific time). source
  • However, Twitter has become essential as a way for people in Iran to communicate with the outside world. source
  • People complained (loudly) about the downtime, so Twitter changed the time. Good for them! source