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16 Aug 2010 20:54


Politics: What does the “Ground Zero Mosque” neighborhood look like?

  • Our AOL News article yesterday about the “Ground Zero Mosque” hit a definite chord, based on the comments we saw here and the comments the piece got there. (Over a thousand!) It was only a matter of time before someone scoped out the neighborhood for some of the items we pointed out, and more. (Nice work, Daryl Lang!) And let’s just say that “New York Dolls” and “Off-Track Betting” are just as beautiful as we imagined. source

16 Aug 2010 20:21


Politics: Ground Zero saga: Harry Reid throws Obama under the mosque

  • The First Amendment protects freedom of religion. Sen. Reid respects that but thinks that the mosque should be built some place else.
  • Sen. Harry Reid’s spokesman, Jim Manley • In a message regarding the Senate Majority Leader’s stance on the not-really-Ground-Zero mosque. Reid’s comments show the senator being pulled from two different directions. While he’s Obama’s best bud, he’s also under heavy attack from Sharron Angle in Nevada, who dared Reid to have a stance on the issue. He did. And now Obama is screwed. source

15 Aug 2010 23:52


Politics: Max Headroom: Alvin Greene says stupid crap about aliens

  • Alvin Greene tops himself Oh boy. In this Fox News clip, radio host Keith Larson tackles the South Carolina senate candidate, who talked about illegal aliens on his show: “We wouldn’t want illegal aliens from Pluto or Mars taking advantage of our taxpayers too.”
  • Fox, obama see eye to eye?Strangely enough, on “Fox & Friends,” Obama did in fact get some support for his comments about the Ground Zero mosque. Maybe it wasn’t like the biggest thing in the world, but it definitely raised our eyebrows.
  • Social Security dems’ ace?Cenk Uygur (best known for his radio/YouTube work with The Young Turks), made a pretty sound point about the Democrats’ strongest arguing point in the midterms: Social Security. The ad at the beginning nails it.

15 Aug 2010 11:38


Politics: Our latest AOL News article tackles the “Ground Zero Mosque”

  • Sure, you’ve heard of the mosque, but have you heard of the “Ground Zero Fountain Pen Repair Shop”? Because there’s one of those near Ground Zero, too. Along with a couple dueling falafel carts. And a horse-betting business. Whether or not you feel the mosque should go there, it’s worth noting that said mosque is in a very dense part of NYC. That’s what our article tackles. Now, excuse us while we go get some falafel. source

14 Aug 2010 15:39


Politics: Here comes the backtrack: Obama clarifies mosque comment

  • Again, it’s freaking Manhattan. Manhattan. Despite the fact that his comments about the Ground Zero mosque weren’t really all that controversial, the president put a qualifier on what he said last night. “I was not commenting and I will not comment on the wisdom of making the decision to put a mosque there,” he notes. Come on. Stand behind it or don’t stand behind it. Don’t waffle. source

13 Aug 2010 22:40


U.S.: Obama totally in the camp of the “Ground Zero Mosque” builders

  • This is America, and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakable. The principle that people of all faiths are welcome in this country, and will not be treated differently by their government, is essential to who we are.
  • Barack Obama • Making a spirited defense of the whole Ground Zero Mosque thing. Which we should note a couple of things about. One, it’s two blocks away. And two, it’s in FREAKING MANHATTAN, pretty much the busiest place in the world. Seriously, there’s so much crap there that there’s a strip club and a horse-betting kiosk within a block of the mosque’s planned site. We actually have an AOL News article coming out about this over the weekend. We’ll keep you posted. source

19 Jul 2010 11:24


Politics: Sarah Palin tweets something, and everyone stops everything

  • Peace-seeking Muslims, pls understand. Ground Zero mosque is UNNECESSARY provocation; it stabs hearts. Pls reject it in the interest of healing.
  • Sarah Palin • Tweeting a message about the whole to-do surrounding a proposed Islamic community center and mosque a couple blocks from Ground Zero. Then she tweeted again. “Peaceful New Yorkers, pls refute the Ground Zero mosque plan if you believe catastrophic pain caused @ Twin Towers site is too raw, too real,” she wrote. Now it’s a top item on Google News. Granted, it’s generated a huge controversy in New York City, but why wasn’t it really given national play until Palin said something? source

11 Mar 2010 20:42


U.S.: Thousands of Ground Zero cleanup workers get insurance settlement

  • 10k number of defendants in the World Trade Center cleanup case; they claimed the cleanup damaged their health
  • $657M the amount defendants will get in a settlement;
    the money will come
    from a $1.1 billion
    insurance fund
  • $65k the amount that sum means for each defendant (not counting lawyer fees and other costs, of course) source

17 Nov 2009 21:11


U.S.: The chance of a 9/11 terror trial has many in NYC on edge

  • 40% of New Yorkers fear another attack if the trial’s held there source

11 Nov 2009 10:01


U.S.: 9/11 rescue workers are starting to get cancer, big time

  • 70,000 workers helped clean up the massively sad mess at Ground Zero after 9/11 happened source