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10 Nov 2009 20:57


Biz, Tech: Google to News Corp.: Come on, we dare you to block us

  • Publishers put their content on the web because they want it to be found, so very few choose not to include their material in Google News and web search. But if they tell us not to include it, we don’t.
  • A statement from Google • Describing its stance on the whole Rupert Murdoch thing we posted about yesterday. That sounds like a dare to us. Will News Corp. match Google’s dare with a double dare? Will Murdoch then pull out a double dog dare, or will he go straight to the triple dog dare? We don’t know, but we’re glued to our seats in excitement. • source

10 Nov 2009 11:10


Tech: Google has a great gift for weary tech-savvy travelers

  • 47 airports will offer free holiday Wi-Fi access. Whoa, thanks! source

09 Nov 2009 22:40


Biz, Tech: Google admits its mobile ads aren’t working, acquires AdMob

  • $750 million for the mobile golden goose source

09 Nov 2009 09:59


Biz: Rupert Murdoch: We’re gonna drop Google from our papers’ sites

  • News Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch is ready drop Google, based on this interview. (It’s long but the meat of what we care about is right at the beginning.) However, as paidContent points out, he doesn’t completely understand how the Wall Street Journal uses Google to promote stories even with its pay wall. (Instead of just getting chunks of stories, you get the first couple free, then get blocked.) Regarding the evolution of newspapers to paid content, Murdoch says, “Everyone can afford a newspaper. They’re the cheapest things in the world and what you get out of it is fabulous. And it will be even cheaper when you get it electronically.” We hope so, Rupe.source

05 Nov 2009 10:43


Tech: Daily Poll: Is Google’s new privacy-pushing Dashboard a good idea?

  • Google has a lot of data streams on you and just about everyone else. It’s a huge responsibility of theirs to keep all that information safe. So, to help build transparency in the system, the site just launched Google Dashboard. Is it a good idea? Vote about it here.source

04 Nov 2009 10:30


Culture: Can you tell me how to search, how to search for “Sesame Street”?

  • Yes yes, we know. Google’s done this hundreds of times in the past. But, for the 40th anniversary of “Sesame Street,” this is easily the most awesome one they’ve ever done. Even better? They’ve customized them based on which character was most popular in the corresponding country. Good show, Google.source

28 Oct 2009 20:31


Tech: Google’s on a tear today thanks to Android and the Motorola Droid

  • $199 the cost of Motorola’s new Droid phone, which uses the Android 2.0 software officially launched today source

28 Oct 2009 20:20


Tech: Thanks to Google, Lala’s founders probably have this song on repeat

Celebrate good times, come on! Google just decentralized the whole music industry, and Lala is going to be the big winner. We heard rumblings of a Google-search-based music service last week, but now it's official, and boy, does it make walled gardens look silly. Other services (like MySpace's iLike) will get the nod too, but Lala will be the biggest beneficiary of the service, which will allow full-song samples to play from doing a search for either a song or (this is pretty cool) a lyric. Watch out, Apple and Amazon. source

28 Oct 2009 10:48


Biz, Tech: Messing with GPS: Google is no longer friends with TomTom

  • There’s no doubt that those guys are going to be disrupted.
  • Opus Research analyst Greg Sterling • On Google’s decision to offer free navigation software for mobile phones, essentially taking the GPS navigation abilities of TomTom and Garmin and making them look expensive and useless. Google does this a lot, and it has the effect of creating animosity in certain industries. For his part, Google CEO Eric Schmidt says he doesn’t see it as disruption, just helping consumers: “Obviously we like the price of free because consumers like that as well.” • source

24 Oct 2009 01:47


Tech: We would like to welcome our Google Chrome OSX overlords

We’ve been futzing with the Chromium nightly builds of this for months, but now it’s here in real, usable format. If you’re on a Mac, download this. source