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27 Feb 2010 12:15


U.S.: In Hawaii, they’re bracing for the Chilean tsunami to hit

  • Get off the shore line. We are closing all the beaches and telling people to drive out of the area.
  • Oahu Civil Defense spokesman John Cummings • Describing the danger of being on the coast in Hawaii right now as a result of the pending tsunami. While the tsunami isn’t expected to be serious, Hawaii is taking all the precautions it can, including voluntary running a bus near the shore to pick up those with no other way to get away. Tourists who stay at modern resorts should be safe as long as they stay above the third floor. “We are taking it very seriously, but this is not a big one.” said Brian R. Shiro, a geophysicist at NOAA Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Ewa Beach, Hawaii. source

20 Nov 2009 11:22


Offbeat: Take a good long look at this #(&(@(#)(&!)* boat: Oasis of the Seas

The Oasis of the Seas is 50% larger than the next largest cruise ship and can carry over 6,000 people. It also can’t fit in many ports because it’s so big. source

03 Nov 2009 09:34


World: Scientists enthralled by giant 20-foot-wide crack in Ethiopia

  • 35 miles – the length of what could be a new ocean someday source

02 Sep 2009 20:58


Biz, U.S.: We wish we had a 1% of this Pfizer fine in our bank account

  • $2.3 billion for wining and dining (and influencing) doctors source

27 Aug 2009 09:58


Tech: Conficker: A giant zombie botnet with nothing to attack (yet)

  • 5 million computers are part of Conficker’s zombie botnet of fun source

11 Aug 2009 11:27


Offbeat: In this video, a little girl grabs a giant fish with her bare hands

  • Show off. We did this all the time when we were kids.source

11 Jul 2009 11:16


Biz: The media mogul: A soon-to-be-extinct species?

  • I don’t think you’re going to have those anymore. Bigness isn’t that great an asset anymore.
  • Tom Freston • A former Viacom Chief Executive, on media moguls who built their bread a generation ago, but could be outshone by companies like Twitter and Facebook. The two groups were major parts of a conference this week in Sun Valley, Idaho. The advantage that Twitter and Facebook have is that they’re relatively small. The disadvantage that media giants have is that they tend to want to consolidate too much – see the messy marriage of AOL Time Warner if you need a specific example.  • source

02 Jun 2009 10:42


Offbeat: Long-suffering farmers: Watch out for the giant 600-foot jellyfish

This 600-foot beast convinced us of what we already knew: crop circles are probably man-made by massive nerdlingers. source

18 Apr 2009 14:51


Biz, U.S.: Know those giant fitness balls? They’re getting recalled en masse

  • The “burst-resistant” balls apparently burst. If you go to a gym where someone’s stretching on a big plastic ball, or are in an office where someone at their desk is sitting on a giant ball claiming it helps their back, you’ve seen ’em. Apparently, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (along with manufacturer EB Brands) is voluntarily recalling 3 million of the balls, saying that they can burst when overinflated, causing the person sitting on them to fall. The company, which manufactures them under such brand names as Everlast and and Valeo, received 47 reports of just that sort of thing happening. Yikes. source

26 Mar 2009 10:59


Offbeat: We swear, this burger wasn’t Photoshopped

It’s bigger than your head and would probably kill you. But it looks awesome, though, right? It puts Thickburger to shame. source