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23 Aug 2010 21:48


World: Filipino president Benigno Aquino wants bus hostage incident inquiry

  • What the heck happened? That’s the big question Filipino president Benigno Aquino wants to know about today’s failed hostage rescue. Eight hostages died on the bus, which was taken over by a disgruntled former policeman. Many have criticized Manila police for being slow to deal with the situation. Aquino gives them a little more credit, but still isn’t pleased: “How can you be satisfied if there were some people who were killed?” Good question. source

03 Mar 2010 11:20


Culture: Epic Beard Man somehow a viral video God two weeks later

  • Despite the fact that Thomas Bruso hit that Michael guy nearly two weeks ago, he still has currency on the internet, thanks to a new YouTube documentary on the guy. The first part is above; the second is here. He’s a pretty crazy dude.

24 Feb 2010 21:52


Offbeat: The other side of the Epic Beard Man bus-fighting story

  • Let not the Epic Beard Man get all the praise for this video. This video of two dudes getting into a huge fight on an Oakland, Calf. bus shot through the internet like a pair of brass knuckles over the weekend. Here’s the other side of the argument, told by comparing each side to the video itself. Michael’s nose appears to be healing nicely. Key point of the clip: Michael knew the racist overtones of what Thomas Bruso said. Also, he’s 50 – he looks way younger. source

22 Feb 2010 09:13


World: Think racism in South Africa is gone? Check out the bus system

Despite major strides in the wake of the 2010 World Cup, a fairly extreme form of racial segregation forces some people to travel long distances just to get to work. source

20 Feb 2010 16:25


Offbeat: A new kind of folk hero: Watch “Epic Beard Man” do his thang

  • (* note: graphic video *) It’s perhaps a great commentary on our society that a video of an old dude beating up another dude can become a phenomenon of the first order. But this clip isn’t even the first for Thomas Brusso, who was also involved in a tasering incident at an Oakland A’s game last Summer. Spike TV also has an interview with the dude. If nothing else, the beard lives up to the legend.  source

31 Jan 2010 09:55


World: Maybe driving children out of Haiti on a bus is a stupid idea

  • 33 Haitian children were on the bus headed to the Dominican Republic without passports
  • 10 people were arrested and detained for “child trafficking” in the bus incident
  • help what the members of New Life Children’s Refuge say they were trying to do source

20 Oct 2009 10:01


Offbeat: It sucks being a pedestrian when someone’s reliving “Speed”

  • “THIS BUS CAN’T GO SLOWER THAN 50 MILES AN HOUR! There’s a bomb on the bus that will go off if we go slower than that. This guy crossing the street, we may hit him, but we can’t stop!”source

02 Jan 2009 08:34


U.S.: The saddest, most depressing NYE ever

  • I’m so relieved, and I’m so mad at the bus company for leaving him.
  • Leslie Rivera • whose brother, Edwin, was left on a school bus overnight (on New Year’s Eve, in cold weather) in New York City. Edwin suffers from cerebral palsy and can’t speak. • source