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10 Nov 2009 09:46


Culture: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has leukemia. And now he’s speaking out.

Even though the basketball legend is a pretty private guy, he’s decided to go public to let people know that it can be beat. We feel bad about making fun of him. source

07 Oct 2009 09:18


U.S.: Cleveland too small for Braylon Edwards & LeBron James

  • Cleveland Browns star Braylon Edwards was accused of assaulting a good friend of Cleveland Cavaliers star Lebron James outside of a nightclub. source
  • Braylon Edwards was traded to the NY Jets; many think that it was because of the incident. Yes, Lebron is powerful enough to get a football player traded. source

25 Sep 2009 18:52


U.S.: Bing: Not the search engine, the straight-talking Detroit mayor

Back in the day, Dave Bing was a basketball star on the Detroit Pistons. Now he’s the guy cutting jobs (and resources) left and right in a hard-hit city. source

21 Sep 2009 11:15


Sports: Duh: Athletes don’t know what to do with all that money

  • 78% of NFL stars wind up broke within two years of retiring source

19 Sep 2009 10:43


Sports: The NBA’s ready to use scab referees for the upcoming season

  • They couldn’t reach a deal with the ref’s union. Earlier this week, talks between the league and the National Basketball Referees Association broke down. Now, the NBA’s on its way to using replacements in its ref training camp. The NBRA was ready for it. “I predicted that a lockout was forthcoming and yet it does not mean that both sides cannot continue to talk and work through some of these issues,” said lead negotiator Lamell McMorris. source

18 Sep 2009 16:56


Sports: NBA guy Delonte West all prepped for nonexistent “Mad Max” sequel

Delonte West
  • He was arrested on weapons charges on a three-wheel hog. You thought we were joking with that headline, weren’t you? Delonte West, currently a starting shooting guard with the Cleveland Cavaliers, was arrested in Prince George’s County, Md. last night after he a.) cut off a police officer on his three-wheeled motorcycle on I-95, b.) admitted to carrying one weapon, and c.) was found to have two others, including one in a guitar case slung on his back. Dude! Dude. source

26 Aug 2009 10:12


Sports: Yo, Isiah Thomas: Coach your team before you start whining

  • “B … but … *sob* We wanted to play Ohio State!” New Florida International University coach Isiah Thomas, looking to recover from a rep essentially decimated by years of crappy decisions for the New York Knicks, is off to a bad start. This morning, it was reported that Thomas was threatening to pull his team out of an early season game against North Carolina – no spring chicken, for sure – because the school had their heart set on playing Ohio State. When you earn the right to whine, Isiah, you can. For now, accept the fact that you’ve been called back to single-A and you no longer call the shots. source

23 Aug 2009 10:47


Sports: Why Steve Nash is listed as executive producer of “Shaq Vs.”

  • Soon after Shaq joins the Phoenix Suns, Steve Nash tells the team his idea for a show – a reality show where he’d take on athletes from other sports. source
  • Early into Shaq’s second season with the team, he announces that he’s going to create a similar show. Steve Nash gets pissed and tensions quickly rise. source
  • Now it’s August. Shaq’s been traded to the Cleveland Cavaliers. The show sucks. But at the end, Steve Nash is listed as executive producer. LOL. source

20 Aug 2009 10:42


Sports: NCAA crushing dreams: Memphis’ 2007-2008 season is now a wash

  • 38 victories by the Wildcats will be forfeited after major rule violations were discovered under coach John Calipari source

16 Aug 2009 23:04


Sports: Stephon Marbury: Eh, I’m not signed. Guess I’ll smoke pot

  • I’m not under contract … I smoke weed occasionally. … I’m not driving … I’m following the rules.
  • Former New York Knick Stephon Marbury • Discussing (on camera because he’s an idiot) how he’s keeping on the straight and narrow now that he’s an unsigned NBA player. Marbury’s reputation took a tumble after he stunk up the room and angered his teammates as a Knick, and other teams are wary of signing him due to this rep. We’re sure the admission, no matter how noble, won’t help his chances. • source