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20 Nov 2009 05:06


About: We’re building a ShortFormBlog theme for Tumblr. Whaddya want?

  • This is still early in the process, but recently, we figured out a major breakthrough in short-form blogging technology – using Tumblr – that doesn’t require any of the clunkier database-driven technology we’ve been using. It’s so simple, we’d be complete jerks if we didn’t share it with the rest of the world (possibly with a price tag on it), because it makes Tumblr way cooler. So, fellow bloggers, what would you want from a SFB-style theme? Our hard work could be your next blog. Click the source for a preview.source

19 Nov 2009 11:25


Politics: We pledge allegiance to Will Phillips, 10, for standing up for gay rights

  • It’s official. Will Phillips is the coolest kid ever. Phillips, a fifth-grader, has chosen to take a different kind of pledge of allegiance – he’s pledging to stay seated when the pledge is recited until gays have equal rights. Despite being ten, he clearly has thought about the ramifications of what he’s doing. And that’s brave.source

19 Nov 2009 10:50


U.S.: George W. Bush has a pretty sweet-looking new castle coming

Bush’s presidential library, on the campus of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, will feature green construction and an Oval Office replica. Sweet. source

17 Nov 2009 10:57


Offbeat: Cat people and dog people: Read this post. OK?

  • For cat people Remember ninja cat? Well, this is just like it, and it’s begging you to watch. So watch.

  • For cat people Remember ninja cat? Well, this is just like it, and it’s begging you to watch. So watch.

  • For dog people This dog freaks the )&@) out after its owner, a soldier, returns home. It’s heartwarming.

12 Nov 2009 22:29


Culture: Glenn Beck an easy target, one hit by South Park this time

  • You know, parodies of Glenn Beck should be getting old by now, but they’re really not. Cartman uses Beck’s logic to suggest that Wendy kills smurfs. Is Glenn Beck just a schtick now, instead of a political pundit? I don’t know, I’m just asking questions.source

12 Nov 2009 01:07


Politics: The Onion turns Lou Dobbs into an illegal immigrant. Awesome.

Bravo, you clever bastards at The Onion. You perfectly captured the public sentiment on the Dobbs departure with one parody Photoshop. source

10 Nov 2009 21:06


Tech: Roomba Pac-Man is officially the nerdiest thing ever

  • Someone with more time on their hands somehow made a fully-functioning Roomba-based version of Pac-Man. Laugh now, but when these Roombas are human-sized and get a taste for human blood, you won’t be laughing anymore.source

10 Nov 2009 11:10


Tech: Google has a great gift for weary tech-savvy travelers

  • 47 airports will offer free holiday Wi-Fi access. Whoa, thanks! source

08 Nov 2009 21:08


Tech: The guys behind @FakeAPStylebook explain their inspiration

  • He had said, ‘I don’t know if I’m sad or relieved that this is not a fake account’ because there are so many joke accounts for celebrities. That’s when the inspiration struck.
  • @FakeAPStylebook cofounder Ken Lowery • On the spark he and cohort Mark Hale had in creating the hilarious Twitter account. Essentially, the duo had seen @APStylebook, the Associated Press’ official Twitter feed for all things random style, and saw an idea ripe for parody. The realization paid big dividends – Lowery and Hale have 20,000 more followers than their source of inspiration and already have a book deal lined up. Does the real AP like it? Well, some reporters do, but they haven’t heard from the AP proper yet.  • source

08 Nov 2009 10:19


Tech: Apple CEO Steve Jobs, as you’ve rarely seen him before

Fortune Magazine recently named Steve Jobs the CEO of the Decade, an obvious choice. But what isn’t obvious are some of the cool photos in this gallery. (h/t TUAW) source