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06 May 2009 22:33


U.S.: Obama plans to remove pennies from the budget next year

  • $17 billion the size of Obama’s proposed budget cuts for next year source

06 May 2009 22:29


Tech: A look back at the development history of “Duke Nukem Forever”

  • “Hey guys, we know you love Duke Nukem 3D; how about an awesome sequel? Woot!!” source
  • “Oh crap, nobody’s using the Quake II engine anymore; better switch to Unreal!” source
  • “We swear it’s coming soon, guys! Oh come on Take Two! Give us more money!!!!” source
  • “Ahhhh … another year topping Wired’s Vaporware Awards. Never gets old.” source
  • 3D Realms apparently shut its doors and no longer exists. Later, poor Duke. source

06 May 2009 22:14


U.S.: In case you’re curious, that Air Force One photo is coming soon

  • It only took scaring half of NYC to get it, BTW. The White House, which earlier this week made it sound like the photo of Air Force One flying next to the Statue of Liberty would never see the light of day, had a change of heart, according to press secretary Robert Gibbs, a.k.a. Mr. Awesome. By the way, the endeavor cost taxpayers $328,835 and angered thousands. Hoo-ray! source

06 May 2009 21:42


Offbeat, World: The only pig in Afghanistan has even fewer friends than before

Thanks to swine flu, the pig – which is seen as unclean in Islamic culture – is now quarantined. Some pig. source

06 May 2009 21:40


06 May 2009 21:35


Politics: Rush Limbaugh throws monkey poo at Colin Powell. RUSH MAD!

  • What Colin Powell needs to do is close the loop and become a Democrat instead of claiming to be a Republican interested in reforming the Republican Party.
  • Rush Limbaugh • Complaining about Powell’s comment that the Republican party is in deep trouble, and would be better off without the radio-show loudmouth. Limbaugh also disliked Powell’s support of Obama. • source

06 May 2009 11:52


Tech: The new Kindle DX is everything we expected and … about that

It’s a bigger-screened Kindle, perfect for reading textbooks on. Newspapers, maybe. $489. Not cheap, but interesting. source

06 May 2009 11:12


Biz, U.S.: AIG’s bonus payments are way higher than they first said

  • $120 million amount AIG admitted to giving in bonuses last year back in March, post-bailout source

06 May 2009 11:06


Biz, U.S.: The Boston Globe reaches a deal with its last union

  • Crisis averted. Cuts made. Hands shaken. The Boston Globe, which nearly faced a death march this week, narrowly avoided it by getting six of its seven unions to agree to price cuts and a relaxing of a job guarantee policy which was the sticking point. The largest union, the Boston Newspaper Guild, which represents the newsroom, wouldn’t budge on the job security front. An agreement was met last night, but no word – yet – on whether they got to keep job security. source

06 May 2009 10:55


Biz: Ford invests lots of money into its long-term future

  • $550 million in plant upgrades to improve its Focus source