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17 Feb 2011 13:05


U.S.: South Dakota’s controversial fetal protection proposal shelved

  • NO South Dakota won’t vote on “justifiable homicide” issue source
  • » The controversy is, for now, dead: State Rep. Phil Jensen’s bill would have added the protection of an unborn fetus to the qualifications for “justifiable homicide.” Jensen insisted it had “nothing to do with abortion,” which frankly renders him either phenomenally disingenuous, or utterly politically tone-deaf. If he wants his legal tweak to go through, all he needs to do is add, “but you can’t murder medical practitioners who perform abortions” and he’s be set. And yet, apparently adding such an amendment was bother enough that he’d rather the whole bill, which he claims is about protecting women from domestic violence, be shelved. Seems like a morally dubious decision if you’re really out to protect battered women, doesn’t it? If that is, as he says, what this is all about.

18 May 2010 10:18


Culture: Charlie Sheen decides not to cut down “Two and a Half Men”

  • Dude was talking about leaving the series. Look, Charlie Sheen‘s had a weird year. He’s been the subject of domestic violence calls (and hilarious mug shots). Some guy ganked his SUV and drove it down a cliff. And he’s constantly in the tabloids. It’s hard to forget sometimes that he still has time for a hit series. But the “Two and a Half Men” star will stay with the show for at least two more seasons, building it’ll likely be on for nine total. Well, as long as that domestic violence trial in Aspen goes his way. source

12 May 2010 09:39


U.S.: Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell: An “obligation” to report domestic violence

  • Particularly in domestic-related situations, can other people intervene because they see things going on… and maybe this could have been prevented.
  • Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell • Regarding the death of U.Va. women’s lacrosse player Yeardley Love, who men’s lacrosse player George Huguely is accused of murdering. The governor suggests that there’s an “obligation to all of us in our society [that] if we see things that look wrong or strange behavior or violent behavior, to really be more involved” in domestic violence cases. There were certain tell-taie signs that Huguely had a violent streak, including prior arrests. In other news, Huguely’s mother Marta Murphy spoke out, noting that Love was something of a member of her family due to Huguely’s long relationship with her. source

05 May 2010 20:25


U.S.: U.Va.’s men’s lacrosse program troubled beyond that shocking murder

  • eight number of players (out of 41)
    that have been arrested or charged
    for alcohol-related offenses; some
    have gone to jail
  • 60 days the length of suspected murderer
    George Huguely’s suspended
    sentence after a drunken scuffle
    with a police officer source

25 Feb 2010 20:04


U.S.: Will David Paterson quit the NY Gov. race due to his latest scandal?

  • NO but he’s asking for second opinions (just quit man) source

18 Feb 2010 11:12


U.S.: Accuser in Duke lacrosse case charged with some crazy stuff

  • Crystal Mangum, the Duke lacrosse rape accuser, was charged with attempted murder in a domestic abuse case in Durham, N.C., after getting in a violent confrontation with her boyfriend Milton Walker and setting his clothes on fire in a bathtub. Above is her police mugshot. We expect this photo to get shown on TV a lot today. source

29 Dec 2009 10:06


Culture: Is Charlie Sheen the Teflon Sheen? Observers say he is

  • Charlie Sheen has bounced back from various scandals, and I don’t think anyone expects anything more from him. Bad-boy behavior is part of his persona that’s been a work in progress since the 1980s. He has bounced back time and time again.
  • Public relations expert Vanessa J. Horwell • On why Charlie Sheen can do things like get in domestic violence disputes (with hilarious mug shots), accidentally shoot his girlfriend (I’m really sorry, Kelly) and show up prominently on the Hollywood Madam’s list without seeing any visible effect on his career. It’s because, unlike Emilio, everything rolls off him. It’s his sheen (*rimshot!*). source

25 Dec 2009 19:40


25 Dec 2009 19:34


Culture: Mugshot alert: Charlie Sheen arrested on domestic violence charges

  • On the scale of celebrity police mugshots, pretty high. OK, it’s no Nick Nolte. Mel Gibson might be slightly better. But it definitely outdoes Charles Barkley and a few others. Charlie Sheen, he of family-friendly image thanks to “Two and a Half Men,” was arrested on domestic violence charges in Aspen, Colorado this morning. He’s spending the day in jail. source

17 Dec 2009 10:38


Culture: NFL star Chris Henry dies after bizarre domestic incident

  • The Cincinatti Bengals star fell out of the back of a moving truck. Henry, who suffered life-threatening injuries after he fell out of the truck, was in the midst of a domestic situation with his fiancee yesterday. The incident drew a lot of attention last nights after early reports said that he died. Well, now it’s a bit more official. Sadly. source