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03 Jun 2011 20:10


U.S.: Convicted killer in Yale slaying receives 44-year sentence

  • Annie was and will always be a wonderful person, by far a better person that I will ever be in my life. I’m sorry I lied. I’m sorry I ruined lives, and I’m sorry for taking Annie Le’s life.
  • Former Yale animal-research technician Raymond Clark III • Speaking during his sentencing, during which he received a 44-year sentence for the killing of Annie Le, a Yale graduate student whose tragic murder turned her family’s excitement over her wedding into overwhelming grief. The sentence, which will keep the 26-year-old in prison until he turns 70, wasn’t enough for some members of Le’s family, who had hoped he’d receive a life sentence. If it’s of any solace to the Le family, he won’t get paroled early, because Connecticut doesn’t allow parole for convicted murderers. The case drew a large amount of media interest — due in part to the fact that it happened on a highly-secured part of the Yale campus that few people could get inside. Which meant that it was relatively easy to figure out that Clark, who accepts full responsibility for the crime, was the culprit. source

13 Apr 2011 11:02


U.S.: Yale science student dies in freak chemistry lab accident

  • By all reports, Michele was an exceptional young woman, an outstanding student and young scientist, a dear friend and a vibrant member of this community. We will find ways in the next day to gather to celebrate her life and grieve this loss.
  • Yale University Secretary Linda Lorimer • Reacting to the death of Michelle Dufault, a Yale astronomy and physics major who was working in the machine shop at the Sterling Chemistry Laboratory machine shop, where a piece of equipment, used to help “construct or modify research instrumentation” caused the accident. Yikes. Our best wishes to Dufault’s family and friends. source

19 Dec 2009 10:41


Offbeat: Beating the odds: Yale offers a set of quadruplets early admission

Kenny, Martina, Ray and Carol Crouch are not only quadruplets – really smart ones at that – but were born over two months premature. Awesome. source

18 Sep 2009 10:07


U.S.: The latest on the Annie Le case: Raymond Clark isn’t talking

  • Word from co-workers suggests that Clark was a control freak about his territory in the lab, suggesting that it may have stemmed from a workplace fight over dirty cages. That’s … bizarre. source
  • The evidence tying Clark and Le seems substantial: Matching card swipes, Le’s blood on Clark’s boots, Clark’s DNA evidence on Le. Clark, who is in prison, isn’t talking, tough. source

17 Sep 2009 11:15


17 Sep 2009 09:09


U.S.: Raymond Clark III now officially arrested in the Yale murder case

  • He’s not the only suspect in Annie Le’s murder. They’re still investigating. It seemed clear over the last couple of days that this would happen ever since his name got leaked into the press. Clark, an animal lab technician, was arrested this morning in the case. He is one of only a few people that was in the area at the time of the slaying, Yale University said, though police say dozens of people had access to the area. source

16 Sep 2009 19:25


U.S.: Asphyxiation behind Annie Le’s death; more warrants issued

  • Raymond Clark III is still a person of interest. The Yale murder case still doesn’t have a definitive suspect, but all eyes remain on Clark, who was served with two additional search warrants today. Earlier today, authorities said Annie Le died from “traumatic asphyxiation due to neck compression.” Whether or not Clark did it, based on the amount of press coverage he’s gotten, he’s already been convicted by the court of the media. source

16 Sep 2009 09:50


U.S.: Detained, then released: The Yale murder “person of interest”

  • Raymond Clark provided DNA samples to investigators. Clark, who has not been charged, was one of dozens of people with access to the area where Annie Le was found. However, the focus has strongly been on him – police did searches of his home yesterday. Investigators said would not make any arrests until DNA evidence was returned. source

15 Sep 2009 20:47


U.S.: A person of interest has been identified in the Yale murder case

  • I saw them leaving this weekend with travel bags like they were in a hurry. I thought they were going on vacation.
  • A neighbor of “person of interest” Raymond Clark III • On seeing their neighbor depart frantically (with fiance Jennifer Hromadka) on Sunday, right around the time Annie Le’s body was found. Clark, an animal lab tech in the same lab where Le works, was identified as a person of interest in the case. Neither he, his sister, brother-in-law or fiance showed up for work on the Yale campus this week. At the lab where Clark works, they do a lot of gruesome animal testing. • source

15 Sep 2009 09:48


U.S.: It wasn’t random: The suspect likely knew the slayed Yale student

  • It happened in a building with very tight security. The discovery of Annie Le’s body in a Yale medical research building narrows down who it could have been. The building required access, meaning that the possible number of people it could have been was very narrow. “Only Yalies had access to that basement, and that seems to point to someone in our community being involved in this,” said Thomas Kaplan, editor-in-chief of the Yale Daily News. “That’s what is so frightening.” source