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19 Dec 2009 10:41


Offbeat: Beating the odds: Yale offers a set of quadruplets early admission

Kenny, Martina, Ray and Carol Crouch are not only quadruplets – really smart ones at that – but were born over two months premature. Awesome. source

09 Feb 2009 22:35


Sports: Compare and contrast: How three MLB stars handled steroid allegations

  • Barry Bonds He continued his major league career, ignored the allegations, set a home run record many fans consider invalid while the rest of his team struggled, and has spent much of the last year in court. source
  • Barry Bonds He continued his major league career, ignored the allegations, set a home run record many fans consider invalid while the rest of his team struggled, and has spent much of the last year in court.
  • Roger Clemens He stopped his many-year trend of showing up to training camp somewhere and possibly playing in June if he felt like it. But he didn’t admit anything, despite a massive report that mentions his name more than anyone else’s. source
  • Barry Bonds He continued his major league career, ignored the allegations, set a home run record many fans consider invalid while the rest of his team struggled, and has spent much of the last year in court.
  • Roger Clemens He stopped his many-year trend of showing up to training camp somewhere and possibly playing in June if he felt like it. But he didn’t admit anything, despite a massive report that mentions his name more than anyone else’s.
  • Alex Rodriguez He admitted almost immediately after the news came out. He’s going to have a career after this. Good on him. source