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09 Oct 2009 04:52


Tech: Hulu just made bloggers’ lives incredibly easier. Thanks!

  • The video site’s new publisher tools look awesome. Hulu went from preliminary laughingstock to second-greatest video site on the planet within months (sorry Vimeo), and they keep bringing on the awesome. The newest tool in the TV-company-run site’s stable? Hulu Labs, which offers new approaches to watching funny videos from SNL. Even better? “Publisher Tools,” which gathers links and embed codes for popular videos online at sites far beyond Hulu, so you don’t have to spend an hour hunting for the latest and greatest video. That sounds awesome. source

02 Oct 2009 18:37


Culture: Clearly, David Letterman mentioned the scandal for ratings

  • 22% boost in ratings for Letterman’s confession last night source

19 Aug 2009 11:23


Offbeat: Nearly as good as Barney Frank: Monkey washes bear on Japanese TV

  • No Nazi accusations pop up in this video. We promise. Just a cute monkey trying to wash bears with a hose, complete with laugh track.source

18 Aug 2009 11:22


Culture: “Family Guy” trashes on the Emmy competition

  • This is how to run an Emmy campaign. Family Guy is up for a “Best Comedy” Emmy – a rarity for an animated show – and they’ve chosen to come up with viral videos trashing the other nominees. This one trashes “The Office.”source

22 Jul 2009 21:08


U.S.: Obama’s doing his whole talking to America thing again

Obama is trying to steer the ship of health care back in his favor, giving straight talk to a room full of press people. Good luck, bro. source

15 Jul 2009 10:09


Culture, Tech: Twitter, the game show = Game show, the stupid idea

  • In this choose your own adventure type journey, the players rely partially on the influence and knowledge of their twitter followers and supporters, the strength of their teamwork, and their ambition to advance them from spot to spot … and bringing them one step closer to that final tweet.
  • From a pitch on a Twitter-inspired game show called “FinalTweet” • This game show, BTW, would pit teams of young entrepreneurs against non-profits for the hopes of winning a $100,000 grand prize. Wow… what a stupid idea. WOW. • source

23 Jun 2009 20:51


Culture: The American public has no taste … plus 8!

  • 10.6 million watched Jon & Kate’s hyped divorce episode source

13 Jun 2009 14:39


Tech, U.S.: The rock-dwellers finally got a hold of the digital TV hotline

  • 700,000 called this freaking week alone source

08 Jun 2009 23:06


Culture: TV salvation: My new name is “Basic Cable Earl on TBS”

  • Despite saving “Chuck,” NBC weren’t seen as saints in terms of canceling shows, as Emmy-winner “My Name is Earl” got canned due to diminishing returns. source
  • However, there may be hope! TBS, which plans to carry repeats of “Earl,” is in early talks to take on the show, although with a drastically-reduced budget. source

06 Jun 2009 10:05


Tech, U.S.: Lots of people STILL aren’t ready for the digital TV switch

  • this Friday Or June 12, the day that the final stages of the digital TV conversion will take place source