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08 May 2010 18:06


Culture: “Iron Man 2” a massive hit, critical acclaim or no critical acclaim

  • $52.4
    the amount the superhero film
    made on Friday alone
  • $135
    the amount the film could make
    this weekend source

23 Jul 2009 10:30


Culture: Where’d the nerds go? They’re at Comic-Con in San Diego

LARPers, furries, comic book nerds, superhero freaks, idiots and Pokemon fans alike are all in one city, unprepared for the world’s villans to attack. source

09 Mar 2009 02:59


Culture: Not as many watched Watchmen as expected

  • $55.7 million the estimated tally the superhero movie took in this weekend source

07 Mar 2009 14:25


Culture: How many people watched “Watchmen”? A lot. But not a ton.

  • $25 million in Friday estimates for the comic book flick source

04 Mar 2009 21:47


Culture: Will “Watchmen” be any good? Maybe.

  • 64% the superhero movie’s current Rotten Tomatoes score source

01 Mar 2009 11:28


Culture: So, “Watchmen” comes out this week. It could be hawt.

  • We’re killing the comic-book movie, we’re ending it. This movie is the last comic-book movie, for good or bad.
  • Zack Snyder • Director of the “Watchmen” film adaptation, which is hotly anticipated but rife with controversy. It took years for the film to actually make it to the big screen. Will it be a hit? We’ll find out Friday, when it hits theaters. • source