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09 Mar 2009 10:08


Culture: In this era of sequelitis, don’t count on another “Watchmen”

  • But why? “Watchmen,” which already carried a rep of being a fairly hard-to-translate comic book film (and many critics think they didn’t succeed, either), didn’t have a sequel in comic book form. It’s unlikely to have one in film form, either, even though it did OK (but not amazing) at the box office. Furthermore, the stars, while not against the idea, don’t think there’s really a good way a sequel could be made. source
  • But why? “Watchmen,” which already carried a rep of being a fairly hard-to-translate comic book film (and many critics think they didn’t succeed, either), didn’t have a sequel in comic book form. It’s unlikely to have one in film form, either, even though it did OK (but not amazing) at the box office. Furthermore, the stars, while not against the idea, don’t think there’s really a good way a sequel could be made.
  • The director: Not interested The cast and crew seems pretty much against the idea of a “Watchmen” sequel themselves. “I know that I wouldn’t have anything to do with it,” director Zack Snyder noted to the New York Times. He went further to criticize superhero sequelitis: “The attitude toward comic books, they show their hand a little bit. They would never say that about a real novelist, but they would about a comic book.” source

09 Mar 2009 02:59


Culture: Not as many watched Watchmen as expected

  • $55.7 million the estimated tally the superhero movie took in this weekend source

01 Mar 2009 11:28


Culture: So, “Watchmen” comes out this week. It could be hawt.

  • We’re killing the comic-book movie, we’re ending it. This movie is the last comic-book movie, for good or bad.
  • Zack Snyder • Director of the “Watchmen” film adaptation, which is hotly anticipated but rife with controversy. It took years for the film to actually make it to the big screen. Will it be a hit? We’ll find out Friday, when it hits theaters. • source