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03 Mar 2009 10:25


Tech: Facebook + Twitter: They almost merged. Almost.

  • It became pretty clear it wasn’t going to happen. The deal would have to be done with Facebook stock. And then you have to figure out how much the stock is worth.
  • Peter Thiel • Facebook board member and a co-founder of Paypal. Thiel confirmed a proposed merger of Facebook and Twitter, which only fell apart because nobody knew how much Facebook’s stock was really worth. Structurally, it makes sense: status updates are essentially tweets. • source

27 Feb 2009 10:09


Tech: Facebook makes changes to seem less evil, more open

  • The past week reminded us that users feel a real sense of ownership over Facebook itself, not just the information they share.
  • Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg • On implementing a democratic process for people to discuss changes to the site’s policy. If enough response is created, the site will put changes up to a vote. Beats dramabombs. • source

16 Feb 2009 23:10


Tech: That Facebook TOS thing is turning into a real dramabomb

  • Users respond … … by creating a group critical of the changed terms of service. As of right now, the page has over 12,000 users, but give it 12 hours and it’ll probably be triple that. Unlike other times people have criticized the service (like the redesign and the news feed), this Facebook-owns-your-life brouhaha might be harder to forget about.
  • Mark Zuckerberg responds … … by claiming that Facebook believes that the license is “necessary” to provide users with the service. However, he says that they’ve been refining the language of the terms of service over time. Says Zuckerberg: “Our philosophy that people own their information and control who they share it with has remained constant.” Your users certainly hope so, dude. source

16 Feb 2009 10:42


Tech: Facebook’s new Terms of Service? Not so friendly

  • They can do what they want when they want, forever. Know those photos of you partying that you don’t want your employers to see? Or that message in your Inbox to your ex-girlfriend where you got all whiny and depressing? Bet you thought you were sharing it with just your friends, right? Well, thanks to a chance in the terms of service, you’re also sharing it with Facebook, which can use your content as they want, says The Consumerist. source

15 Feb 2009 20:41


Tech: Facebook hits a new peak in users

  • 175 million people are now on the social networking service source

11 Feb 2009 22:37


Tech: Facebook paid lots of money to make ConnectU go away

  • $65 million was paid to the founders of ConnectU, a competing site who claims Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg ripped them off while he was still at Harvard source

04 Feb 2009 10:30


Tech: Google Latitude: A.K.A. social networking for stalkers

Got a mobile phone? And friends? Track their every movement with this handy new tool. source

03 Feb 2009 10:15


Tech: For the love of God, will the Facebook “25 Things” trend end already?

  • What it is Some enterprising jerk on Facebook came up with this idea of having everyone write notes including 25 things about themselves. And like a juggernaut, it just kept building and building until all your freaking friends did it. As a result of the trend, notes on the site have more than doubled and tags of friends have quintupled. source
  • What it is Some enterprising jerk on Facebook came up with this idea of having everyone write notes including 25 things about themselves. And like a juggernaut, it just kept building and building until all your freaking friends did it. As a result of the trend, notes on the site have more than doubled and tags of friends have quintupled.
  • Why it’s annoying Everyone has 25 interesting things, right? Sure. But it’s interesting when one person does it – it’s like a beautiful piece of art in a sea of minimalism. But when everyone does it, it’s like white noise, background chatter and it makes you want to beat up the nerd who came up with the idea. We’re totally giving that guy a swirlie; it makes us feel manly. source

23 Jan 2009 18:11


Tech, World: The Vatican joins the YouTube generation

Pope Benedict XVI is excited but reserved about how new technology lets people interact. source

22 Jan 2009 18:24


Tech: Need inspiration, bloggers? Time to get Plinky.

  • A service designed to give you ideas. Everyone who’s ever blogged has dealt with it; lazy blogger syndrome. But a startup created by a former Google staffer wants to make it easier for you to avoid it. If you need a couple of ideas, check out the just-launched Plinky, which combines social networking (along the lines of Twitter) and brainstorming (in the form of prompts and answers) for the win. Hopefully you’re not sick of social networking yet. source