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28 May 2010 11:56


26 May 2010 11:12


Culture: Jesse James is firmly entrenched on the apology circuit

  • I took a pretty amazing life and amazing success and marriage … and threw it away by my own hands.
  • Jesse “I threw away an amazing life with Sandra Bullock” James • Apologizing for throwing away an amazing life with Sandra Bullock. Really, he’s so sorry he threw that life away with Sandra Bullock. He just can’t believe he did that, and now he’s really sorry about it. He’s all apologies about the whole “throwing away an amazing life with Sandra Bullock” thing. He’s sorry. What more do you want from him? He threw away an amazing life with Sandra Bullock. Sor-ry! if you can’t see that he’s really sorry about it. source

18 May 2010 12:05


Politics: Shudder: Mark Souder and his alleged mistress discuss abstinence

  • There always seems to be a tendency among some political types to drag family-values types awash in scandal through the mud. We don’t necessarily agree with that, but we have to note that the irony with this video is strong. source

11 May 2010 10:20


Culture: Apparently people are upset about Miss USA contestants in lingerie

So, you have a contest seemingly designed to objectify women, then you get upset when they make it slightly more blatant? (The linked photo gallery’s a little racy for work.) source

10 May 2010 22:56


Politics: Did the “Rentboy” for anti-gay activist George Rekers do his job?

  • YES he gave the dude career-damaging massages source

07 May 2010 12:04


U.S.: Scary: Chicago Metra’s director has Metra enact his final directive

  • He threw himself in front of a train and was killed. The commuter rail system’s executive director, Phil Pagano, killed himself near Crystal Lake, Ill. earlier this morning. Pagano, who had been in the position since 1990, was put on paid administrative leave last month after he gave himself an unauthorized $56,000 bonus last year. Wow. source

05 May 2010 20:25


U.S.: U.Va.’s men’s lacrosse program troubled beyond that shocking murder

  • eight number of players (out of 41)
    that have been arrested or charged
    for alcohol-related offenses; some
    have gone to jail
  • 60 days the length of suspected murderer
    George Huguely’s suspended
    sentence after a drunken scuffle
    with a police officer source

04 May 2010 10:59


Biz, U.S.: Craigslist profits from sex ads, attorney generals notice

  • first States complain because
    Craigslist allows anyone
    to post sexually-oriented
    ads which can be used
    for illegal prostitution.
  • second In an effort to appease
    the states, Craigslist
    charges for the section
    for purposes of creating
    a paper trail.
  • third A group of 39 states,
    noticing the profits made
    from the for-pay section,
    subpoena Craigslist over
    the ads. source

03 May 2010 19:06


U.S.: U.Va.’s lacrosse teams hit hard by murder within their ranks

Men’s lacrosse player George Huguely has been charged with first-degree murder in the death of Yeardley Love, a female player he had a relationship with. source

28 Apr 2010 11:21


Politics: Pundits try to put the Goldman Sachs saga into words, struggle

  • Can this be easily explained? No, but these pundits are gonna try. Here’s a five-minute long video of TV news types trying to explain what some say is easy to explain but others say is really hard. Either way, it’s hilarious to watch them play with metaphors. source