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23 May 2010 21:58


Politics: Max Headroom: How pundits handled Rand Paul’s various fails

  • Canceled meetingThis summation that opened up “Meet the Press” kinda says it all. Paul said a lot of controversial stuff and then backed away when the spotlight got too hot. Gregory had a lot of questions to ask.

  • Sam Donaldson’s slam We forgot about this dude, and how awesome he can be at times. The way he pronounces “Maddow.” The way he takes Paul to task. “He didn’t say yes, but he didn’t say no, either.” Ow, that stings.

  • Maddow’s a “TV character”Sarah Palin suggests that Rachel Maddow was using Rand Paul’s appearance to make him sound stupid. To some degree, likely true. This doesn’t explain his comments about regulating BP on Friday.

20 May 2010 20:59


Politics: Rand Paul upset that he only got a day on top of the mountain

  • I thought I was supposed to get a honeymoon. When does my honeymoon start after my victory?
  • Kentucky Senate candidate Rand Paul • Talking to our boy Wolf Blitzer about how his last couple of days went after winning the Republican primary. It hasn’t been good. He’s been taking heat left and … well, mostly left … for comments that he made regarding the 1964 Civil Rights Act in the last couple of days. He suggested that businesses shouldn’t have to allow everyone in. And who does he blame? The messenger. “I think what troubles me is that the news cycle has gotten out of control,” he continued. “For several hours on a major news network [MSNBC] yesterday, they reported repeatedly that I was for repealing the Civil Rights Act. That is not only not true, never been my position, but is an out and out lie. And they repeated it all day long.” source

25 Apr 2010 23:18


Politics: Max Headroom: Geraldo lets a good question leave his grasp

  • Maddow’s irish clone Sinead O’Connor and Rachel Maddow are talking about really serious stuff here – the whole Catholic Church abuse scandal. The activist/singer wants leadership to quit for putting reputation over the safety of children.
  • A good question, lost How did the GOP’s leading lights turn into Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann? Geraldo asked Bachmann this question directly, then asked if they would be running for president together. In both cases, she evaded.

  • Gossip, politics collideNaomi Campbell has attacked a lot of objects in her day, and the latest is a camera, which got it after an ABC News reporter asked a reasonable question about a diamond she reportedly got from an African leader. Scandal-ous!

04 Apr 2010 23:58


Politics: Max Headroom: Rachel Maddow totally biased towards the iPad

  • frum the heart Conservative commentator David Frum isn’t cut from the same cloth as the Rush Limbaughs of the world, and he makes that clear with this rip on Limbaugh and Fox News. They don’t work for Republicans, the Republicans work for them.
  • sarcasm = dangerous At the end of this clip from last week, Sean Hannity threw the unbelievable phrase “Tim McVeigh wannabes” in reference to the Tea Party. And the Tea Partiers cheered. The left was like, whoa. But Raw Story reports that it was sarcasm.
  • feel like making love On Friday, rubber-faced personality machine Rachel Maddow brought Xeni Jardin from Boing Boing onto her show to talk about how attracted they collectively are to the iPad. Maddow is probably caressing one in her arms right now.

26 Mar 2010 13:53


Politics: Rachel Maddow isn’t running for the Massachusetts Senate, hosers

  • Scott Brown said Rachel Maddow was running for Senate. Brown said this in an e-mail designed to raise funds for his next Senate campaign. However, as this Boston Globe full-page ad notes, she’s in fact not running for Senate. Julius may be, though, if his residency checks out. He’s on the Lyndon Larouche ticket. source

13 Mar 2010 22:00


Politics: Rachel Maddow’s skinny on Daylight Saving Time: It’s useless

  • The idea for this clip is pretty goofy, but it’s interesting to note the misconceptions that have come up regarding the falling back and springing forward. Farmers actually dislike the concept of Daylight Saving Time. FYI: This morning, you’ll be springing forward an hour.

28 Feb 2010 22:15


Politics: Max Headroom: Rachel Maddow creates left-leaning warm fuzzies

  • Our favorite video Finally, we found a clip of this epic awesomeness. House Minority Whip Eric Cantor brought the Senate bill with him to the health care summit, and then Obama called him out for it.
  • After the fact …The other guy to get a bitch-smack at the health care summit on Thursday, John McCain, went on Hannity later that evening, and he complained a lot about Obama saying stuff that scared him.
  • Pants on fire? ooh Rachel Maddow knows how to talk, and the left knows how to listen. In this clip, Maddow talks about uncovering the “lie” of reconciliation, pointing out that it’s a great Republican myth.

05 Feb 2010 16:05


Politics: Jon Stewart deblusters the blustery language blogs use

  • Well, he took the wind out of our sails. Jon Stewart’s brilliant approach to the way that the blogosphere makes things seem crazier than they actually are is pretty brilliant. Moreso, even, than his multi-part steel-cage match between him and Bill O’Reilly earlier this week. (Both of them are so good at what they do that they pretty much cancel each other out.) We hope MSNBC host Rachel Maddow doesn’t eviscerate us for this post.

24 Jan 2010 22:56


Politics: Max Headroom: The Democrats look like a deflated balloon. Why?

  • Nice hair, Robbie Robert Gibbs took to “Fox News Sunday” to deflect the Scott Brown thingy for Obama, but really, all we could focus on was the mini-pompadour in his hair. Is he gunning to be Conan’s replacement or something?

  • “Like a thunderbolt”Among other topics that CBS’ “Face The Nation” tackled was the campaign finance ruling in the Supreme Court on Thursday. Their take? The Scott Brown victory (and this decision) came just in time for the GOP to capitalize.

  • Where’s the backbone? Rachel Maddow makes a pretty good slam on what she sees as Democratic wimpiness – taking Erroll Southers out of the TSA nomination, going limp after Scott Brown’s win – with a good point: The Dems are still in power.

22 Jan 2010 11:28


Politics: Air America Radio: It flopped, but it did so with silver lining

  • In the end, Rush is still standing. Almost six years after the launch of Air America, the critical mass of political talk radio listeners still resides on the right.
  • New York Daily News columnist David Hinckley • Regarding the failure of Air America’s left-leaning radio network, which filed for bankruptcy and is about to close. His main arguments in the matter? He notes that the company never had the right personalities for radio, its network was weak compared to other talk-radio outlets, and the model was designed around the ideology rather than the players. But it’s not without silver lining: Al Franken successfully transitioned from comedian to senator, and Rachel Maddow is a huge hit for MSNBC. But in the end, it just couldn’t compete with Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. source