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23 Jan 2010 10:04


Politics: Obama sounds pissed off about that Supreme Court decision

  • The last thing we need to do is hand more influence to the lobbyists in Washington, or more power to the special interests to tip the outcome of elections.
  • President Barack Obama • In his weekly radio address, where he assailed the recent Supreme Court decision on campaign financing. Obama himself made a stronger pledge for transparency and pointed out that his administration has made strides to run a clean ship. He also pledges that “it will be a priority for us until we repair the damage that has been done.” In other words, the Supreme Court totally failed. source

21 Jan 2010 09:01


Politics: Duh: John Edwards the father of Rielle Hunter’s freaking daughter

  • Scumbag. In a completion to one of the most spectacular falls in American history, John Edwards admitted that he’s the daddy of Frances Quinn Hunter, the baby girl born to another mother in the midst of his 2008 presidential campaign. The girl was born during an affair Edwards had with Rielle Hunter, while his wife Elizabeth was in the midst of a relapse from breast cancer. In case you need to catch up to this unbelievably saucy story, here’s a great place to start. source

20 Jan 2010 21:19


Politics: So, post-Scott Brown, what does Obama do next, anyway?

  • I would advise that we try to move quickly to coalesce around those elements in the package that people agree on.
  • President Barack Obama • Regarding his signature health care bill, which got screwed up by Scott Brown winning the Senate race yesterday. It’s perhaps the largest failure of his presidency so far, but one with a silver lining. Now Obama has an opportunity to push for that bipartisan congress that never really happened. Or maybe the Republicans can just stonewall some more. It’s worth noting a couple of things: The fact that Obama plans to wait until Brown takes office to tackle health care is smart. And, as Andrew Sullivan notes (amazingly), he could totally use this as an opportunity to turn the tables during his State of the Union address next week. We want to see him do that. source

19 Jan 2010 19:01


Politics: Americans think Sarah Palin should avoid public office, talking

  • 71% want Palin to not run for the presidency source

16 Jan 2010 13:16


World: Third time a charm? Karzai’s second attempt at a cabinet rejected

  • 7 of Karzai’s 17 minister picks got approved; the rest, failures source

14 Jan 2010 10:17


U.S.: Bush, Clinton to team up on Haiti, give a bipartisan face to help

  • The former presidents will head the fundraising efforts. In an effort to emphasize the lack of politics at play in the face of a major tragedy, former presidents Bill Clinton (the U.S.’s special envoy to Haiti) and George W. Bush would lead the push for aid. This would be Bush’s first major public effort since leaving the White House in January, by the way. He’s pretty good at fundraising, by the way, helping to push $200 million into Southern Methodist University – home of his presidential library – since leaving office. source

12 Jan 2010 09:51


World: Nigerian president: Rumors of my death have been greatly 419’ed

  • seven weeks without a peep in public from Nigerian President Umaru Yar’Adua
  • resting the claim by Yar’Adua on why he’s been hiding since being hospitalized in November source

11 Jan 2010 20:29


Politics: Obama has Harry Reid’s back on the racist comments – again

  • I guarantee you that the average person, white or black, right now is less concerned about what Harry Reid said in a quote in a book a couple of years ago than how we are going to move the country forward.
  • President Barack Obama • Going up to bat, again, for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. It seems like this controversy has gotten a bit out of control this week, with everyone going all willy-nilly about what Reid said. Know why? Simple – lots of people think they can weaken the Democrats by attacking Reid for something he said a couple of years ago that was quoted in a book. Obama’s absolutely right. Let it die, echo chamber. It’s not worth the hours of arguing over on CNN and Fox News. source

09 Jan 2010 13:56


World: Hamid Karzai’s cabinet selection could use fewer broken plates

  • 1st try The Afghan leader submitted 24 names to the parliament last week. 17 were rejected. Wait, you mean they’re not in his pocket? Who forgot to bribe them?
  • 2nd try Karzai’s second list, submitted today, is “a little better than the previous one – not a lot, but a little,” according to one critical Parliament member. Ouch. source

05 Jan 2010 20:21


U.S.: Mwah mwah mwah: Obama admits his staff blew the terror attack

  • We dodged a bullet but just barely. It was averted by brave individuals, not because the system worked, and that is not acceptable.
  • President Barack Obama • Speaking with his staff today in the White House just before he made a speech on the Christmas terror attack – the one where he got the Underwear Bomber in his stocking. Obama pulled no punches and totally admitted it was a screw-up by his staff, one that they’re working on. source