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01 Jul 2010 10:52


U.S.: “A Whale” of an oil skimmer: The Gulf’s latest hope for oil cleanup

  • See this giant ship right here? It’s the world’s largest oil skimmer. “A Whale,” 10-story tall, 372-yard long behemoth of the high seas, is headed to the Gulf of Mexico to help out with the cleanup. (They need any help they can get.) This thang also has a number of vents that can suck up 21 million gallons of oil-drenched water daily. Will it work? Who knows?! source

28 Jun 2010 21:36


U.S.: Oil spill: A lot of people (especially workers) are getting sick

  • 162 cases of illness due to the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster
  • 128 are oil rig workers or assisting in the spill’s cleanup source
  • » What did they get? The most common illnesses were things like throat irritation, shortness of breath, cough, eye irritation, nausea and headaches – considering all the oil around, this seems totally understandable.

28 Jun 2010 09:35


Biz: Could BP’s embattled top exec, Tony Hayward, resign soon?

  • yes Russia’s top energy official is saying that he’s expecting Hayward’s resignation as soon as today.
  • no The London-based company is denying the reports, saying that Hayward’s job is safe. source

27 Jun 2010 11:36


U.S.: Was it the blackened shrimp? New Orleans chef sues BP

  • Much of plaintiff’s business is based on the unique quality of Louisiana seafood, as well as the chain of delivery of that resource from the initial harvester (be it fisherman, oyster grower or shrimper). Because this chain of delivery cannot be maintained, plaintiff’s business has been, and continues to be, materially damaged.
  • Lawyer Serena Pollack • Representing prominent New Orleans chef Susan Spicer in a lawsuit against BP. See, Spicer is seeking class action status for restaurants like her Bayona, located in the city’s historic French Quarter. She’s seeking compensatory and punitive damages against BP. The Food Network and Bravo personality will have to get in line, though – her suit is one of over 250 against the company. source

27 Jun 2010 00:04


Tech: New fact of life at Gulf beaches: Kids clobbered by tar balls

  • At first, this clip seems totally innocuous, but then there’s a scene with a young girl who’s absolutely freaked out because there’s a giant chunk of oil on her. It’s freaking scary the way Jaws was, kinda. Thanks, BP. Thanks for nothing.

26 Jun 2010 10:34


U.S.: That judge in the drilling moratorium case just sold Exxon stock

  • $15,000 worth of stock sold source
  • » Why did he sell it? Simple. Because he realized Exxon owned one of the wells he was ruling on, and that it was a blatant conflict of interest.

26 Jun 2010 10:24


U.S.: OH CRAP. Could Tropical Storm Alex hit the oil-soaked Gulf?

  • Well, this looks promising. The first named storm of the Atlantic’s hurricane season just broke out, and guess where it is? That’s right, in pretty much the worst possible place for a storm to be this summer. Nothing like oil, wind and water mixing. source

25 Jun 2010 09:49


Biz: Oil spill: BP’s stock hits another new oil-drenched low

  • $100
    the amount BP, as a company, has lost since the oil spill began
  • 14
    the amount of time since their stock was at this low a level source

24 Jun 2010 10:58


Politics: Obama officially disliked more than he’s liked (in Facebook & life)

  • 48% disapprove of Obama’s job performance
  • 45% approve of how the avant-garde artist is doing his job
  • 7% were covered in oil and couldn’t respond source

23 Jun 2010 11:22


Biz, U.S.: BP’s new oil disaster plan: Command center in Houston

  • We were always going to set up the organization. We have across the Gulf Coast, people that are there, temporary, rotating in and out. We’re going to bed this down now. We’re in for the long haul and we’re going to make sure that it’s sustained and efficient.
  • BP top staffer Robert Dudley • Regarding his role in the oil spill cleanup, along with the changes BP is making. The company has put together a command center, based in Houston (a bit off, but close enough), to deal with the spill. Why? And why now? Dudley says they needed “a more sustainable organization” to see things through. We have to agree with that. They’ve looked pretty disorganized so far. source