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28 Oct 2011 12:57


Biz: Et tu, Redbox? Netflix isn’t alone in raising its rental prices

  • $1.20 to rent a Redbox DVD — a 20¢ increase source
  • » And its stock is struggling, too: Coinstar, the parent company of the suddenly-hot DVD-rental kiosk brand, is struggling to keep prices at a level to compensate for operating expenses. Not exactly a good time for Redbox to do this, though — because, you know, Netflix is feeling the heat. And while 20 cents doesn’t sound like much, if you rent DVDs on the regular from the kiosks, that adds up quickly. On the other hand, it probably looks worse than it actually is due to the timing. So let’s look at the silver lining: Blu-ray will stay roughly the same price — $1.50 to $2.00.

17 Jul 2011 11:20


Politics: Sarah Palin documentary not exactly off to the best start

  • ten number of theaters the Sarah Palin documentary, “The Undefeated,” opened in this weekend — mostly conservative test markets
  • three people were in a recent Orange County showing — including a fairly lonely reviewer for The Atlantic; the other two left after 20 minutes source
  • » A pretty bad test weekend: While some estimate that Palin’s film could make as much as $4 million over its entire run — good for a rally-the-troops conservative film — the weekend that they chose to test it is one where most filmgoers of all political persuasions are preoccupied with Harry Potter. But one thing to keep in mind — if she decides to run, the film could do a lot better. For what it’s worth, the other two girls in the theater with Atlantic editor Conor Friedersdorf probably thought “The Undefeated” was an action movie, so maybe she’ll get some business from confused moviegoers.

11 Nov 2010 23:04


Culture, U.S.: Worst timing ever: Garfield cartoon appears to mock veterans

  • It was an accident. Jim Davis didn’t intend for this cartoon to be posted on Veterans Day. Unfortunately, it was, giving the unfortunate (and untrue) impression that Davis doesn’t respect (to put it lightly) the brave men and women who’ve fought for this country. He quickly posted an apology; “I had no idea when writing it that it would appear today,” Davis wrote on the Garfield site. Bad timing, but hey, at least it was a mistake. source

16 Jul 2010 10:09


World: The Vatican pissed off lots of people with their female priest rules

  • When he comes to Britain, there will be people who are deeply offended. I feel offended by it as a woman.
  • Catholic Women’s Ordination representative Pat Brown • Speaking with anger about the Vatican’s decision to label the attempted ordination of a female priest a “grave crime.” Because, well, they put it in the same category as child sexual abusers in the church, at the same time child sex abuse was in the news! Were they trying to slip it under the rug and hope nobody would notice? An awful decision; they really don’t get it. source

26 Jun 2010 10:24


U.S.: OH CRAP. Could Tropical Storm Alex hit the oil-soaked Gulf?

  • Well, this looks promising. The first named storm of the Atlantic’s hurricane season just broke out, and guess where it is? That’s right, in pretty much the worst possible place for a storm to be this summer. Nothing like oil, wind and water mixing. source

01 Apr 2010 23:33


Tech: Engadget doesn’t know what to do with this JooJoo tablet

  • In terms of dumb tech moves, this ranks up there with Palm releasing the Pre the same week as the latest iPhone revision. The CrunchPad JooJoo hit Engadget’s desk today like a lump of coal, and while they want to review it and stuff, they also kinda hit on one of the busiest tech weeks of the year. Something about a tablet computer backed by a Silicon Valley guy with more cred than Michael Arrington. source