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17 Feb 2010 11:08


U.S.: How much did the stimulus help? Depends on who you ask

  • 1.5+ million jobs have been saved already, according to Obama’s chief economic adviser, who used a mathematical formula
  • 500,000 jobs have been saved so far, according to the CEO of Onvia, a contractor-advising company that tracks government spending source

09 Feb 2010 10:23


Tech: Google sorta understands the need for Nexus One phone support

  • terrible When Google launched its Nexus One, it forgot to offer something obvious it usually doesn’t offer for its products – live phone support. Users loudly complained.
  • better Google just started offering it, over a month after they launched the freaking phone. About time. It only covers status and shipping issues, though. WTF, guys? source

15 Nov 2009 11:07


Biz: Bloomberg has a ton of journalists under its belt already

  • 2,200 journalists work for Bloomberg, which was founded by NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg source

25 Oct 2009 15:09


Biz: Newspaper job cuts are getting ever-bloodier in 2009

  • 14,010 journos laid off this year alone source

15 Oct 2009 11:11


World: OK, we lied; one more Obama Nobel Peace Prize big number

26 Sep 2009 10:52


Offbeat: An Italian guy actually outdid the “1,000 animals in one home” story

  • 1,700 critters in one car, including 1,000 terrapins source

18 Sep 2009 10:19


U.S.: Health insurance: We’re killing people who don’t have it

  • 45,000 people die each year without it source

22 Aug 2009 12:18


U.S.: Did Obama’s appeal to nontraditional voters get him into office?

Obama vote infographic
  • Good Magazine crunched up some numbers and compared different states’ voter turnout to see whether the groups Obama appealed to the most – black voters and young voters – really had an effect on voter turnout. From the looks of things, it may have been an election lost by McCain rather than the other way around. The biggest decrease in votes from 2004 to 2008 was in McCain’s home state. Thanks to Good Magazine for the tip.source

06 Aug 2009 10:35


Sports: Steve McNair will be ever-present for the Titans this season

  • His number, 9, will adorn the team’s helmets this year. The Tennessee Titans, still reeling from the loss of their most iconic player, will use their helmets to remember him (among other ways). The back-of-the-helmet decals will definitely help keep his memory alive for many. But it’s his loss – a shocking death in a murder-suicide – that’s still fresh in the minds of many. source

26 May 2009 01:17


Music, Politics: Pitchfork sez Grizzly Bear’s new album is the bees’ knees

  • 9.0 rating for the indie band’s ultra-hyped “Veckatimest” source