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17 Nov 2009 10:57


Offbeat: Cat people and dog people: Read this post. OK?

  • For cat people Remember ninja cat? Well, this is just like it, and it’s begging you to watch. So watch.

  • For cat people Remember ninja cat? Well, this is just like it, and it’s begging you to watch. So watch.

  • For dog people This dog freaks the )&@) out after its owner, a soldier, returns home. It’s heartwarming.

15 Nov 2009 12:00


Offbeat: Laser engraver playing Mario: Nerd has too much time on his hands

  • The nerd who came up with this concept – where a laser engraver plays the Super Mario Bros. theme using just its motor – is on some level cool. But on most levels, he’s begging to be alone every Saturday night for the next year.source

10 Nov 2009 21:06


Tech: Roomba Pac-Man is officially the nerdiest thing ever

  • Someone with more time on their hands somehow made a fully-functioning Roomba-based version of Pac-Man. Laugh now, but when these Roombas are human-sized and get a taste for human blood, you won’t be laughing anymore.source

10 Nov 2009 11:10


Tech: Google has a great gift for weary tech-savvy travelers

  • 47 airports will offer free holiday Wi-Fi access. Whoa, thanks! source

08 Nov 2009 10:19


Tech: Apple CEO Steve Jobs, as you’ve rarely seen him before

Fortune Magazine recently named Steve Jobs the CEO of the Decade, an obvious choice. But what isn’t obvious are some of the cool photos in this gallery. (h/t TUAW) source

07 Nov 2009 14:17


Offbeat: Awesome blog: “Bank Notes: A collection of bank robbery notes”

From mean to deadly to nice and meek, bank robbers have different ways of handling notes. This guy’s kinda sinister. (Hat tip Andrew Sullivan) source

03 Nov 2009 10:40


About: It’s official. We have a redesign. It’s up. Check it out, kids.

So here it is. Our redesign. We've spent months working on this bad boy. We've been talking about this in bits and pieces over the last few months, but now here it is. And we hope you guys like it. Because you're awesome and make us look good when you like stuff we do.

  • What hasn’t changed The commitment to providing people with short, info-packed bites that provide quick insight into the day’s news. Most of the post styles are still exactly the same as they were on day one of the site. Oh, and Julius is still the mascot. (And one of the trademarks, referring to the site in the “editorial we,” continues unabated.) source
  • What hasn’t changed The commitment to providing people with short, info-packed bites that provide quick insight into the day’s news. Most of the post styles are still exactly the same as they were on day one of the site. Oh, and Julius is still the mascot. (And one of the trademarks, referring to the site in the “editorial we,” continues unabated.)
  • What has changed Over the last ten months, it’s become clear what’s worked and what hasn’t, and what was needed to take that basic idea and turn it into something more useful for readers. So with that, we’re adding focus on navigation, improving our content focus and pushing a design that encourages exploration. Read more above. source

29 Oct 2009 11:26


Offbeat: This Transformer dude already has your Halloween costume beat

  • At least he decided to dress like something cool instead of Tron Guy. Though if the guy did this in front of our house as we were passing out candy, we’d point and laugh.source

26 Oct 2009 22:36


Offbeat: Gary Brolsma gives Michigan State the gift of “Numa Numa”

Sports Videos, News, Blogs
  • Dude, you’ve come so far from simply being an accidental internet celebrity. Now you’re turning our alma mater into an entire crew of Numa Numa fans. This is nice and awesome, and way less d-baggy than the other viral video that caught our eye tonight. Go Gary Brolsma! Way to be awesome, dude!source

25 Oct 2009 14:34


U.S.: The coolest, most awesome political graphic you’ll see all week

  • This is one of thoseincredibly awesome graphics that makes us warm and fuzzy inside. It’s impartial, smart, fun to read, and downright awesome in execution. It’s so awesome that it comes in two versions – the U.S. version (above) and a world version which flips the red and blue, much like the U.S. flips the metric system on its head. Information is Beautiful did a beautiful job on this information breakdown.source