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29 Jul 2009 09:07


Biz, Tech: Microsoft and Yahoo, looking take on Google, find each other

  • It’s official. Yahoo has thrown in the towel. Microsoft and Yahoo have been talking about a search partnership for a while – talks that intensified after merger talks fell through, and now they see eye to eye on a 10-year partnership. MS will bring the Bing-Bing in the form of search, and Yahoo will bring the ching-ching in the form of advertising. The partnership makes them a formidable search competitor to Google’s 800-pound gorilla. source

25 Jul 2009 10:24


Tech: Walt Mossberg sez upgrading to Windows 7 a pain in the butt

  • If you use XP, it forces you to do a clean install. Mossberg, who otherwise praised the new version of Windows, noted that the OS had a requirement unlike any of its previous versions: If you’re on XP, you need to do a clean install, which will force you to lose all your programs and possibly any personal data. In fact, MS recommends that you just bite the bullet and buy a new computer with Windows 7 installed. Oh, how convenient that they’d recommend that! source

19 Jul 2009 14:23


Biz, Tech: The search collaboration that wasn’t may be back on

16 Jul 2009 11:20


Tech: Lauren apparently touched a nerve with Apple’s legal department

  • You know why I know they’re working? Because two weeks ago we got a call from the Apple legal department.
  • Microsoft COO Kevin Turner • Regarding their ad campaign that made us fall in love with a bespectacled young woman named Lauren. Lauren said a number of anti-Apple things in her commercial, where she looked for a laptop for under $1,000. Describing the phone call, Turner said, “It was the single greatest phone call in history that I’ve ever taken in business.”  • source

15 Jul 2009 10:53


Tech: Microsoft’s Office 2010 ad proves they have a sense of humor

  • MS instantly earns brownie points for this wonderful ad about their best product. We miss you like a brother, Clippy.source

14 Jul 2009 10:21


Tech: Microsoft might again offer a Windows upgrade companies don’t want

  • 59% of companies don’t plan to upgrade their machines source

13 Jul 2009 09:55


Tech: Coming soon: A free, Web-appy version of Microsoft Office

  • Perfect. Now we can run it on Chrome OS. Microsoft Office 2010, which was released in a developer-only technical preview version this morning, will bring the worlds of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote to the Web browser – just like Google! (We want to know how long it took them to build it for IE6, or if they even tried.) Incredibly curious like we are? Well, you’ll have to wait until later this year, when the full beta comes out. source

07 Jul 2009 09:44


Tech: Microsoft’s Windows 7 Ultimate: Is it really all that ultimate?

  • 2 features separate Windows 7 Ultimate from Windows 7 Professional source

02 Jul 2009 00:32


Tech: The world needs more vomiting in Internet Explorer ads

  • However, this ad does it all wrong. The vomiting should not convince you to use Internet Explorer 8. Rather, it should convince you never to use IE8 ever again. OK, Dean Cain?source

01 Jul 2009 21:12


Tech: Bing tries to get a leap on the search competition with Tweet results

  • Who cares? Twitter’s own search is already really good. Microsoft, who apparently didn’t talk to the Tweetable company before implementing the new feature (not that they have to), now presents the latest tweets from a select crew of a few thousand notables (which we hope includes us, or it’s clobberin’ time). It’ll be gradual but eventually, expect to get Microsoft’s Tweets in your Bing. source