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04 Mar 2010 10:48


U.S.: Charles Rangel lost his ways. Sander Levin found them.

  • action Rep. Charles Rangel, in ethics violation hell due to some travel paid for by the wrong people, temporarily gives up his seat on the Ways and Means Committee.
  • reaction They need somebody to put in his place, so they grab auto industry ally Rep. Sander Levin, best known for being the forgotten brother of Sen. Carl Levin. source

19 Feb 2010 12:50


Politics: “Tamed, not eradicated”: Is Keith Obermann right on racism?

  • “Where are they? Where … are they?” Keith Olbermann’s recent statement on racism in the Tea Party movement strikes us as a little true, a little untrue, a little harsh, and a good bit needed. (The context which he brings to his criticism, going from Don Imus to John Mayer, helps his point some.) Now, there are black tea party members (who apparently stick out like sore thumbs if the photo we used with that article says anything), but the overarching point that he’s getting at is one much-better-explained than his MSNBC counterpart Chris Matthews – race is a complex thing in this country and the relative uniformity of the Tea Party movement is an example of how far we still need to go. Is he wrong? Are we? Let us know.

22 Jan 2010 11:28


Politics: Air America Radio: It flopped, but it did so with silver lining

  • In the end, Rush is still standing. Almost six years after the launch of Air America, the critical mass of political talk radio listeners still resides on the right.
  • New York Daily News columnist David Hinckley • Regarding the failure of Air America’s left-leaning radio network, which filed for bankruptcy and is about to close. His main arguments in the matter? He notes that the company never had the right personalities for radio, its network was weak compared to other talk-radio outlets, and the model was designed around the ideology rather than the players. But it’s not without silver lining: Al Franken successfully transitioned from comedian to senator, and Rachel Maddow is a huge hit for MSNBC. But in the end, it just couldn’t compete with Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. source

07 Jan 2010 08:44


Politics: Conservatives outnumbered moderates, dirty liberals in 2009

  • 40% of people identify themselves as conservative
  • 36% call themselves moderates and other bad words
  • 21% say they’re really freaking liberal and don’t think it’s a bad word source

15 Dec 2009 20:31


Culture: Howard Dean (and the left) turn on the Senate’s health plan

  • This is essentially the collapse of health care reform in the United States Senate. Honestly the best thing to do right now is kill the Senate bill, go back to the House, start the reconciliation process, where you only need 51 votes and it would be a much simpler bill.
  • Former DNC chair Howard Dean • Saying that the Senate bill isn’t worth saving in its current form. Why’s that? Blame some guy named Joe Lieberman. Why does Joe Lieberman Howard Dean hate America? Actually, he’s not alone. DailyKos founder Markos Moulitas also says it should die in its current form. As do a few other prominent liberal voices. source

22 Nov 2009 09:18


U.S.: For Patrick Kennedy, no shirts, no pro-life stance, no service

  • The bishop instructed me not to take Communion and said that he has instructed the diocesan priests not to give me Communion.
  • Patrick Kennedy • Regarding the crappy service he got recently when he tried to get communion recently. Providence Bishop Thomas J. Tobin said that Ted Kennedy’s kid, a Rhode Island representative, wasn’t worthy of communion because he was pro-choice. And he told all of his pastors to do the same, Kennedy says. Tobin’s rep has no comment on the denying-Pat-communion part of this debate, but denies the pastor-telling part. source

22 Aug 2009 11:17


Biz: We’ve been boycotting the “Boycott Whole Foods” story – until now

  • 23,947 are boycotting it on Facebook source

07 Aug 2009 16:26


Politics: Political polls based on scientific facts? Usually a bad idea.

  • 51% of Democrats think that America and Africa were once part of the same continent, a proven scientific fact that shouldn’t be the basis of a poll question source

30 Jun 2009 21:02


U.S.: About freaking time! Minnesota’s Al Franken finally feels the Senate love

Norm Coleman finally conceded after a court decision. Get ready liberals, ’cause one of your own is coming to bust heads in The District! source

11 Jan 2009 14:31


U.S.: Is Al Franken the GOP’s Public Enemy No. 1?

  • Republicans hate him. The former “Saturday Night Live” writer and actor is that kind of guy that brings everyone together by pulling them apart. Now he’s likely to be in the U.S. Senate. Says Minnesota Republican Party Chair Ron Carey, “I don’t know if we’ve ever had an opponent who is so disliked by Republicans as Al Franken.” source
  • Republicans hate him. The former “Saturday Night Live” writer and actor is that kind of guy that brings everyone together by pulling them apart. Now he’s likely to be in the U.S. Senate. Says Minnesota Republican Party Chair Ron Carey, “I don’t know if we’ve ever had an opponent who is so disliked by Republicans as Al Franken.”
  • Norm’s a long-shot. Despite initially being in the lead (barely) prior to the recount, an unlikely-to-hold-water court challenge is the only thing that stands in the way of Norm Coleman losing his senate seat to Franken. Some analysts say that Franken’s history as a liberal commentator and entertainer will come to haunt him in office. source