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08 Dec 2010 21:15


Culture: Oprah upset because people still think she’s a lesbian

  • I’m not a lesbian. I’m not even kind of a lesbian. And the reason why [the rumor] irritates me is because it means that somebody must think I’m lying. That’s number one. Number two … why would you want to hide it? That is not the way I run my life.
  • Oprah Winfery • Getting teary-eyed at the idea that someone would think she’s a lesbian. Oprah, who said this during a Barbara Walters interview which we’re now going to watch now that she’s said this, got very emotional about the accusations, which have revolved around her friend Gayle King. Here’s the thing, Oprah. Even if you were, it wouldn’t even be that big a deal. Ellen DeGeneres is basically your heir apparent, and she’s been an outed lesbian for like twelve years now. But we understand why the rumors suck. source

13 Dec 2009 11:02


U.S.: Houston mayor-elect Annise Parker carries the gay-rights torch, too

  • Houston is a multiracial, multicultural, international city. And I think my election will send a message to the world that Houston is a city that might surprise a lot of folks.
  • Houston mayor-elect Annise Parker • Discussing her sexual orientation (she’s gay), along with the possibility of being the new mayor of Houston, prior to a runoff election that she won. This is a big deal for a number of reasons. First off, Houston is the fourth-largest city in the country, which means that it’s the largest city in the country to elect a gay mayor. Secondly, it was in a city which just a few years ago barred benefits for partners of same-sex workers. Finally, Texas is a really conservative state. So her election is a huge win for the gay rights movement. source

06 Dec 2009 10:51


U.S.: A lesbian bishop in the Episcopal Church? What, me worry?

  • If by chance people are going to withhold consents because of Mary’s sexuality, it would be a violation of the canons of this church.
  • Los Angeles Bishop Diocesan J. Jon Bruno • Describing his reaction to news that he’d be working with the Rev. Mary Douglas Glasspool, who was voted bishop suffragan yesterday. Glasspool is one of two gay bishops the Episcopal church has – and the first new one since 2003. As you might guess, this is something of a flash point for controversy. source

02 Dec 2009 09:34


Culture: Newly outed lesbian: Meredith Baxter – a.k.a. the “Family Ties” mom

The thrice-married mother of five outed herself in The Advocate today after being noticed on an all-lesbian cruise. Guess Michael Gross wasn’t doing it for her. source

07 Nov 2009 10:23


Politics: We’re glad this bigoted, homophobic jerk got fired, Fox News.

  • I found it offensive that she repeatedly brought it up. By the fourth time she mentioned it, I felt God wanted me to express how I felt about the matter, so I did. But my tone was downright apologetic. I said, ‘Regarding your homosexuality, I think that’s bad stuff.’
  • Former Brookstone Second Deputy Manager Peter Vidala • Describing the events that led to his firing. Fox News is attempting to play the Massachusetts man’s story off as if he’s the victim, but he clearly discriminated against a co-worker by telling her she shouldn’t get married to her lesbian partner. We hope he was not only fired, but thrown on his @(^. • source

09 Oct 2009 04:37


U.S.: More women than men hit by military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” rule

  • 56 women were dismissed from the military for being gay, versus 34 men source

12 Apr 2009 20:42


Biz, Politics: Amazon apparently doesn’t like gay people anymore

  • Author Mark R. Probst noticed recently that the sales rankings for his gay-themed novel plummeted on Amazon. source
  • He inquired with Amazon’s staff, and learned from a rep that they had deemed his book (and books like it) “adult material.” source
  • He wasn’t alone; other “adult” books include “Brokeback Mountain,” which became an Oscar-winning flick. source
  • So now the Internet is in an uproar/frenzy, and the mainstream press seems slow to respond. WTF, guys? source

16 Mar 2009 01:39


U.S.: Three female teachers have sex with female students? It’s a fluke!

  • You probably noticed that several teachers have been arrested on these types of charges lately. But teachers are no more likely than doctors, lawyers or newspaper reporters to commit these crimes. Sex crimes affect a wide cross-section of demographics. I think it’s just a fluke.
  • Santa Clara County, Calif. Supervising Deputy District Attorney Mike Fletcher • On the string of inappropriate relationships between female high school teachers and female students in the area. Personally, we think there’s something in the water in Santa Clara County. • source

19 Feb 2009 11:11


Culture, U.S.: “Rent” got cancelled because it might spread teh gay

  • We went to a lunch meeting for drama class and our teacher told us the show was canceled. He said it was because Ms. Asrani did not want homosexual characters portrayed on stage — but that’s kind of the point of ‘Rent.’
  • Ryan Willison • senior at Corona del Mar High School in Newport Beach, California, regarding principal Fal Asrani’s cancellation of a performance of “Rent.” It’s led to an uproar among the student body and alumni. • source