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31 May 2011 16:33


World: Egyptian general says female protesters got “virginity checks”

  • “Not like your daughter or mine”: An Egyptian general, speaking on condition of anonymity, has alleged a heinous violation of the women of Egypt, though he doesn’t see it that way. The general admitted that during protests on March 9th, the military performed “virginity checks” on women. The reason? “We didn’t want them to say we had sexually assaulted or raped them, so we wanted to prove that they weren’t virgins in the first place. None of them were.” It goes without saying that this rationale is nonsensical, disgusting, and beneath the contempt of a modern civil society. General Mamdouh Shaheen has denied these charges. source

12 Oct 2010 11:00


Culture: Aaron Sorkin explains the women of “The Social Network”

  • I wish I could go door to door and make this explanation/apology to any woman offended by the things you’ve pointed out but obviously that’s unrealistic so I thought the least I could do was speak directly to you.
  • Aaron Sorkin • In a response to a blog commenter critical of the way “The Social Network” portrayed women throughout the film. His explanation? “I was writing about a very angry and deeply misogynistic group of people. These aren’t the cuddly nerds we made movies about in the 80’s.” He also notes that the misogynistic attitudes extend to the not-so-nerdy finals clubs near the beginning of the film. And he claims, out of respect for the more private people involved – Mark Zuckerberg’s putdown queen ex-girlfriend, Eduardo Saverin’s psycho ex – he didn’t use their real names. Good explanation, but will it appease everyone? source

23 Feb 2010 21:27


U.S.: Fun fact: Until today, female soldiers couldn’t serve in subs

  • We wonder if they had a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy for that. The military is nothing if not a slow-moving machine, submerged in its own policy, deep in a ocean of bureaucracy that keeps their policies airtight. Well, change is taken place on submarines. Why so long for women’s liberation to hit the deep ocean, despite 15 percent of sailors having girl parts? Well, subs are tightly packed, and soldiers living on them often share the same bed in shifts in a policy called “hot bunking.” That’s what she said. source

21 Sep 2009 21:04


U.S.: The new top drill sergeant admires George S. Patton, is female

I don’t know what you’ve been told, but a lady drill sergeant is mighty bold. Sound off ONE TWO and meet Command Sgt. Maj. Teresa L. King. source

09 Sep 2009 20:56


Offbeat: Catstravaganza: Our girlfriend is a cat. No, really, guys.

Yeah, she can be part of the 09/09/09 catstravaganza, too, in part because if we didn’t, we’d be in the doghouse. And that’s not where we want to be.

13 May 2009 22:18


U.S.: Ladies! Judges! Cabinet members! Obama plays his Supreme Court cards

  • Five of Obama’s six possible choices are women, and just one is a dude. We wonder which way he’s leaning. Clearly, it’s with the guy. Because he’s dropping tons of hints. source
  • The judicial choices are two female appeals court justices, Sonia Sotomayor and Diane Wood, and a male Calif. Supreme Court justice, Carlos Moreno. source
  • Solicitor General Elena Kagan, who argues for the government in Supreme Court cases, is also a possibility. Plus, she knows everyone on the bench already. Hooray! source
  • Outside of the courtroom are Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm and Homeland Security Sec. Janet Napolitano, both of whom are fairly well-known. source
  • Whoever wins the race to become the next Supreme Court justice, we recommend using extra Lysol on David Souter’s chair, because who knows where that guy’s been? source

16 Mar 2009 01:39


U.S.: Three female teachers have sex with female students? It’s a fluke!

  • You probably noticed that several teachers have been arrested on these types of charges lately. But teachers are no more likely than doctors, lawyers or newspaper reporters to commit these crimes. Sex crimes affect a wide cross-section of demographics. I think it’s just a fluke.
  • Santa Clara County, Calif. Supervising Deputy District Attorney Mike Fletcher • On the string of inappropriate relationships between female high school teachers and female students in the area. Personally, we think there’s something in the water in Santa Clara County. • source

27 Jan 2009 10:22


Culture, Sports: The gender gap: Who watches the Super Bowl?

  • 45.8 million viewers were over 18 and male in 2008. In case you forget, the Giants/Patriots game was the most-watched Super Bowl in history, with over 97 million eyes glued to the tube. source