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07 Feb 2011 15:49


Tech: AOL staking their livelihood on HuffPost accquisition

  • 40% of AOL’s money used to buy The Huffington Post source

03 Jul 2010 10:39


Biz: Warren Buffett: The rich-guy gift that keeps on giving

  • $37B the amount he donated to the Gates Foundation in 2006, the biggest ever donation; he plans to give 99 percent of his wealth away
  • $1.93B the amount he donated this year – he does yearly donations based on Berkshire Hathaway’s overall performance source

17 Jun 2010 11:06


Tech: AOL sells its forgotten social networking lemon, Bebo

  • $850
    amount AOL spent on Bebo, a Facebook wannabe, when they bought it two years ago
  • chump
    amount AOL likely sold Bebo for today; it was a terrible investment for the company source

26 Mar 2010 23:35


Biz: The U.S. could make bank by selling their Citibank bailout stake

  • 27%
    the share of bailed-out Citibank the government currently owns
  • $8
    amount they’d make on their investment if they sold today source

16 Mar 2010 10:38


Biz: The New York Times was taken to the cleaners by Carlos Slim

  • 14.1% the amount of interest on Carlos Slim’s $250 million loan, at a time when there was no inflation whatsoever
  • 15.9M number of warrants of stock the Times gave Slim; thanks to a rally, Slim has made $77 million on stock alone
  • $112M amount Carlos Slim
    has already made back on his journalistic investment in just a year; holy crap source

09 Mar 2010 10:38


Biz: Nest eggs for retirement aren’t exactly first priority for workers

  • 43% of workers have less than $10k saved up source

14 Nov 2009 12:25


Biz: Wal-Mart’s supplier credit-rating program genius, say smart people

  • I would expect a retailer’s credit quality always to be taken into account when a firm is lending money against that retailer’s receivables. If a vendor is owed the money by Wal-Mart that is very different than if a vendor is owed the money by [bankrupt] Linens N Things, for example.
  • GimmeCredit analyst Carol Levenson • Describing how Wal-Mart’s new policy, which allows suppliers to get credit on the back of the company’s very strong credit rating, is genius. Obviously, not every supplier can count on retailers to bail them out like this. But many are in a position to do the same thing, including Target, Kohl’s, TJX Cos. (the parent of TJMaxx, Marshall’s and other similar stores), Home Depot, Lowe’s and Walgreens. Considering that suppliers are likely in the tank in this economy, this could save them. • source

08 Nov 2009 10:06


World: China sees a lot in Africa. That’s why they keep investing in it.

  • $10 billion amount China will loan Africa this year to to develop infrastructure and social programs source

03 Aug 2009 10:12


Biz, U.S.: Local, state economies are sure feeling that stimulus money

  • -8.3% decline in local and state spending during the fourth quarter of 2008 – the height of the economic decline. The first quarter of 2009 also saw declines source

13 Jul 2009 09:46


Biz: At Goldman Sachs, profits are huge, yet inexplicable

  • $2.12 billion amount Goldman Sachs lost in a single quarter last fall, when they needed bailout help from the government source