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17 Oct 2010 10:57


World: Sunnis formerly allied with U.S. switching sides in Iraq

So apparently, formerly-U.S.-allied Sunni fighters in Iraq are apparently switching sides at high numbers, which is bad news for stopping insurgencies. source

10 Aug 2010 09:47


World: The Afghan War got much deadlier between January and June

  • 31% increase in civilian deaths in just six months source
  • » Why the dramatic increase? Blame the intensifying insurgency. Seventy-six percent of the casualties were caused by “antigovernment elements” such as the Taliban, a number up by 53 percent from January to June 2009.

11 Dec 2009 12:06


World: Blackwater’s relationship with the CIA became a bit too complex

  • It became a very brotherly relationship. There was a feeling that Blackwater eventually became an extension of the agency.
  • A former top CIA officer • Describing the relationship between the CIA and the private Blackwater firm. The firm, which has been under fire for years for its actions during the Iraq war, was involved in secret CIA raids, according to the New York Times. Apparently, this relationship got so cozy that lines started to blur between the federal and private organizations. source

21 Jul 2009 19:50


U.S.: Obama wins a big victory over defense spending in the Senate

  • No more F-22s After getting added to a bill at the last minute a week ago, Obama threatened to veto the entire defense spending bill unless they were taken off the table. The jets, not only expensive but a product of a bygone era of war-fighting, were an iconic symbol of the administration’s fight to focus on insurgency-focused warfare. source
  • No more F-22s After getting added to a bill at the last minute a week ago, Obama threatened to veto the entire defense spending bill unless they were taken off the table. The jets, not only expensive but a product of a bygone era of war-fighting, were an iconic symbol of the administration’s fight to focus on insurgency-focused warfare.
  • McCain’s big help Former presidential race foe John McCain played a huge role for Obama. McCain said the victory, attributable to stands taken by both Obama and Defense Secretary Robert Gates, “really means there’s a chance of us changing the way we do business in Washington.” McCain’s support meant the vote was bipartisan. source

12 Jul 2009 12:03


U.S., World: Iraq’s got it: The U.S. isn’t being asked for help in urban fighting

  • There are established protocols for how (Iraqi forces) might ask for that, but we have not been asked for combat forces.
  • Lieutenant-General Charles Jacoby Jr. • The man in charge of day-to-day operations in Iraq. Jacoby notes that while they’ve given plenty of pre-combat and post-combat support, Iraq has not asked for any help when it comes to the recent increase in insurgency in cities over the last few weeks. The numbers are still far down from their 2006-2007 peak. • source

25 Apr 2009 09:25


U.S., World: Hilary Clinton tries to look at the bright side of the Iraq attacks

  • I think the suicide bombings … are, in an unfortunately tragic way, a signal that the rejectionists fear that Iraq is going in the right direction.
  • Secretary of State Hilary Clinton • On her reasoning for the sudden rise in attacks in Iraq late this week. We’re not sure if this is a good thing. • source

24 Apr 2009 10:34


World: Insurgent attacks in Iraq have increased big time this week

  • 135+ have died in Iraq in the last two days source