In a classic TV moment, Bret Michaels was injured by the Tony Awards. OK, we don’t like following the ins and outs of theatre’s biggest night, nor do we think Poison has a place on any stage – not even the Tony Awards. So it was great to watch how a set piece came crashing down on Bret Michaels, breaking his nose and cutting his lip. Which, according to the YouTube video, was way less than he should’ve gotten from that. source
The German woman has multiple injuries, a lot of explaining to do. The Berlin Zoo puts its polar bears behind multiple barriers for a reason. The reason is so that photos like this one (SFW but a little painful to look at) don’t happen. How could people be this stupid? source
They are trapped in a very small area which has come under fighting, and they just have no safe place to go, they cannot escape, and they have lost the means that they need for survival.
Sophie Romanens • A Red Cross representative, on the dangers more than 300 hospitalized civilians and 20 staff face after being moved away from the fighting to nearby Puttumatalan. The area has a lack of drinking water and the situation is getting critical for the patients. • source