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05 Jun 2009 19:42


Culture: Of all the scenes involving sharks and planes, this is the stupidest

  • On the first page of this YouTube video’s comments, someone asked if this is what happened to the Air France flight. Hey, they said it, not us. Whatever the case may be, this clip from “Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus,” starring Deborah Gibson, definitely ranks quite high on our “dumbest film scenes” list.source

29 May 2009 14:29


Culture, Tech: Twitter finally gets the kind of animated parody it deserves

  • It’s about time someone decided to parody Twitter in the way it deserves. Best part of the video is when the Failwhale shows up.source

22 May 2009 12:56


Culture: Will Ferrell’s coulda-been performance on the “Idol” finale

  • You know when I first read this song I asked ‘Did Dylan, Taupin and Angelou really write this.’ And they said sort of. And I said what does that mean? And then they ran away. But after five bottles of wine I knew who the real writer of this song was….. the big man himself, God Almighty.
  • The spoken part from a rejected draft of a song Will Ferrell would’ve sung at the “Idol” finale • The song would have been suitably epic, and producers initally agreed to do it, but then they apparently read what Ferrell wanted to do with the song. Our favorite chestnut: “THIS SONG COST NINE POINT EIGHT MILLION DOLLARS/BUT WE COULD NOT FIND A WORD THAT/RYHMES WITH MOUTH” • source

15 Apr 2009 09:57


Culture: Rod Blagojevich has fallen to the depths of celebrity reality TV. LOL.

  • Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich has agreed to be on the next season of “I’m a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here,” which is just hi-larious. The impeached ex-pol stands to make $80,000 a week on the show, but at the cost of any shame or personal integrity he had left. source
  • Unfortunately, there may be one thing standing in the way of him making bank on his notoriety. The show tapes in Costa Rica, and he needs to convince the judge presiding over his corruption trial to loosen travel restrictions. For the love of God, judge, please say yes! Pretty please? source

21 Mar 2009 21:29


Offbeat: This guy’s charged with sex with a student, hilarious mug shot

Sure, he’s probably a sketchy guy, but look into his eyes. We dare you not to laugh. source