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29 May 2009 14:29


Culture, Tech: Twitter finally gets the kind of animated parody it deserves

  • It’s about time someone decided to parody Twitter in the way it deserves. Best part of the video is when the Failwhale shows up.source

27 May 2009 22:33


Tech: Twitter creator Jack Dorsey and his fear of the Fadwhale

  • The buzz is definitely good right now, but it’s also potentially dangerous. It may put us into a fad.
  • Twitter creator Jack Dorsey • On the site’s biggest danger. He says the site works best when people don’t worry about the hype and just use it. We agree. He also talks about what extra services could be added to the site. That’d be awesome. • source

08 Mar 2009 21:06


Tech: When it comes to Twitter, forget Failwhale. It’s all about Failbird.

Check out this amazing Failwhale-inspired Twitter illustration by Martin Gee. It’s neato. source

26 Feb 2009 10:22


Offbeat, Tech: Dear Twitter user: Why would you do this to yourself?

OK, Failwhale is cute. But not tattoo-worthy. May we suggest never wearing shorts? source