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24 Mar 2010 11:18


Tech: Facebook gets crap for allowing people to upload stranger photos

  • It’s apparently a huge privacy thing. Facebook – and Google, for that matter – allow you to upload photos and videos of people not on the site, without their consent. Now the Swiss and German governments are all up in arms about this, apparently missing the fact that you can do this on any other site on the Internet. Just to prove this point, we grabbed this photo from Flickr of some dudes at a party. We don’t know them, but they seem like they’re having fun. source

10 Feb 2010 21:33


01 Oct 2009 10:31


U.S.: Here’s a random awesome shot from the White House

  • We seriously hope that every president considers doing like the White House Flickr feed in the future. (In this pic, he’s talking to a bunch of advisers about Afghanistan. We will say this much: It’s telling that only one of them is female.) You feel like you’re really on the inside with these photos. And they make a great document for future generations. Isn’t it great that we have a president who gets social media?source

23 Sep 2009 09:33


World: Sydney Dust Storm: So, this is what it’s like to live on Mars

  • This photo comes from Flicker user Shishberg, who’s one of many great photogs to take on what make the the craziest #(^@()! storm to hit a major metropolitan area in years.source

26 Aug 2009 22:11


Politics: Why so secretive, Flickr? The Obama Joker mystery continues

Flickr says they got a DMCA takedown notice. None of the usual suspects – Time Magazine, DC Comics, the photographer – claim to have sent one. Hmm. source

20 Aug 2009 08:49


Politics: Did Flickr take down the Obama socialist pic for political reasons?

  • An article on Firas Alkhateeb, the man who did the Obama Joker parody, got written in the L.A. Times. He’s a Dennis Kucinich fan. source

26 May 2009 19:03


Culture, U.S.: Why we love the White House’s official Flickr page

Obama with Joe Biden and Sonia Sotomayor
  • Seriously, the photos they run are arguably better than the ones the Associated Press or any other wire service come up with. It’s yet another example of how the Obama administration is the best-designed administration ever. And, BTW, the photos are all public domain. :)source