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26 Aug 2009 22:11


Politics: Why so secretive, Flickr? The Obama Joker mystery continues

Flickr says they got a DMCA takedown notice. None of the usual suspects – Time Magazine, DC Comics, the photographer – claim to have sent one. Hmm. source

06 Mar 2009 13:13


Culture, Politics: What Jon Stewart’s criticism means for the media

  • The American public is mad as hell right now, so why isn’t the mainstream media? Balanced reporting is important, but a balanced, modulated tone of voice? Not now.
  • Will Bunch • On The Daily Show’s hardcore takedown of Rick Santelli and CNBC the other night. He claims that the media is playing it too safe in a time when the world is full of dangerous economic times. That fair and balanced stuff isn’t cutting it anymore. • source