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10 Oct 2011 10:24


U.S.: The person who caught Whitey Bulger? A former Icelandic beauty queen

  • plot Suspected Boston mobster Whitey Bulger managed to evade capture for decades. He was accused in at least 19 murders dating back to the 1970s.
  • capture It took police years to catch onto his scent again, and eventually they did … but only after using very targeted TV ads featuring images of his girlfriend.
  • twistThe person who sent in the tip that caught Bulger, finally? She just happened to be a former Miss Iceland. Because, hey, why not? She got a huge reward! source

18 Feb 2011 19:47


Music: Hey, guess who Smashing Pumpkins’ new bassist is?

  • One of these two girls may be Nicole Fiorentino: Fiorentino recently became the band’s new bassist, and Billy Corgan claimed on Twitter after she joined, she revealed that she was one of the girls in the above album that anyone worth their salt in 1993 owned. (“Today” still sounds just as good many days later.) She said that she held the info back out of fear it would cost her the gig. Anyway, because Rolling Stone likes bursting bubbles, they got a hold of the photographer involved in this shot, who claims that Fiorentino, 31, was too old for the photo. Even though they claim this, she looks almost exactly like the girl on the right. WE WANT TO BELIEVE. source

05 Jan 2011 10:59


U.S.: “Lost” numbers could’ve netted you piece of Mega Millions jackpot

  • $150 made by picking 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42 source
  • » Oh yeah, the full jackpot: The winning numbers – 4, 8, 15, 25, 47 and 42 – scored two lucky dudes (in Idaho and Washington, separately) a split of the $355 million Mega Millions prize. We knew we should’ve bought a lotto ticket last night.

21 Aug 2010 21:55


U.S., World: This dot on this map represents a guy in the middle of nowhere

Poor guy’s been isolated in the Brazilian Amazon for at least 15 years, possibly an uncontacted member of a decaying tribe. Which is kinda awesome. source

06 May 2010 20:22


Biz: While we were out: The stock market has a huge buttcrack, guys

What the heck happened, stock market’s butt? Falling nearly a thousand points in a five-minute period is just sad. And we KNOW you’re gonna blame it on Greece, too. source

28 Mar 2010 12:41


24 Mar 2010 11:18


Tech: Facebook gets crap for allowing people to upload stranger photos

  • It’s apparently a huge privacy thing. Facebook – and Google, for that matter – allow you to upload photos and videos of people not on the site, without their consent. Now the Swiss and German governments are all up in arms about this, apparently missing the fact that you can do this on any other site on the Internet. Just to prove this point, we grabbed this photo from Flickr of some dudes at a party. We don’t know them, but they seem like they’re having fun. source

14 Sep 2009 12:59


Music: A really old lady held back the kinda-old Beatles from the U.K. No. 1

  • 92 age of WWII-era entertainer (and chart-topper) Vera Lynn source

27 Aug 2009 19:16


Music: Ryan Adams needs to review more retro video games

  • Playing Gorf is like getting wasted, or what I remember about getting wasted: It’s loud, it’s confusing, there are a bunch of lights going off, people (robots) are shooting at you, you need pizza, etc., then its game over.
  • “D.R. Adams” • In a blog post for The Awl, where he discusses being a teenager, playing “Gorf” and listening to Danzig. A reference to “Moonlighting” gets in there, too. You know, Ryan Adams might be an overcreative screw-up, but he’s sure an entertaining one. • source

23 Aug 2009 12:13


Culture: Awesome: Snoop Dogg goes on “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?”

  • Fo shizzle, ma nizzle, he’s playing for charity. Here’s Snoop Dogg with Regis Philbin doing his “Millionaire” thing last week. Because he’s awesome.source