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12 Aug 2009 21:50


Biz, Tech: If Best Buy lists a HDTV for $9.99, you can bet it doesn’t cost $9.99

  • $1699.99 the usual cost of a 52-inch Samsung HDTV at Best Buy source

02 Aug 2009 20:21


Biz, Tech: Dear Associated Press: There’s no way you’re charging this much

  • $12 cost to quote five words from a single article, according to their new iCopyright site source

31 Jul 2009 19:23


Biz, Tech: The royally screwed Tenebaum: The RIAA gets a huge judgment

  • $675,000 the size of the judgment against PhD student Joel Tenenbaum, who felt it from the RIAA source

28 Jul 2009 11:21


Biz, U.S.: Home prices are on the rise for the first time since 2006

  • 0.5% increase in home prices from last month source

23 Jul 2009 09:47


Biz, Tech: AT&T’s customer base is huge thanks to the iPhone, but it costs ’em

  • +3.5 million number of new 3G customers the wireless company got last quarter thanks to the iPhone – and 1.5 million new overall customers source

19 Jul 2009 11:42


Politics, U.S.: Is NASA just a major financial boondoggle for the U.S.?

  • We know what we got from the interstate highway system—fast, easy transportation, the creation of the suburbs, an entire transformation of our way of life. What did we get economically from the space program, especially the manned portion? Much, much less.
  • BusinessWeek chief economist Michael Mandel • Pointing out the very low cost-benefit ratio of our space program. We’re not sure if financial benefit should be the only consideration of something like NASA, but points out that, with inflation considered, we spent $176 billion on NASA during the height of the space race era, 1962-1972. Comparatively, we spent $220 billion on highways during that same period. Like we said, not sure we agree, but something to consider. • source

08 Jul 2009 22:57


Culture: This is the last time we ever post about Michael Jackson’s death


07 Jul 2009 09:44


Tech: Microsoft’s Windows 7 Ultimate: Is it really all that ultimate?

  • 2 features separate Windows 7 Ultimate from Windows 7 Professional source

06 Jul 2009 10:51


Tech: Congrats, Twitter user! uSocial says your life is worth 8.7¢

  • $87 to buy 1,000 cut-rate Twitter followers from uSocial source

27 Jun 2009 21:49


Tech: We don’t think Sony understands why people buy netbooks

  • $2,000 for the uber-not-cheap Vaio P netbook source