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15 Feb 2011 13:33


U.S.: If you build it, a carefully managed number of people will come

  • coming soon The World Trade Center memorial is on pace to be opened for public attendance by the ten-year anniversary of the attacks (which, as it always bears mentioning, betrays a shamefully slow process).
  • not so fast Due to the expected volume of visitors, size of the memorial, and transit/security concerns, it’s anticipated that visiting the memorial will be crowd-restricted at about 1,500 people. source

17 Apr 2010 11:22


World: In Poland, a memorial for president Lech Kaczynski drew huge crowds

  • 100,000 Poles mourned the loss source

10 Nov 2009 20:15


U.S.: Obama – again – knows the right thing to say at Fort Hood

  • It may be hard to comprehend the twisted logic that led to this tragedy. But this much we do know – no faith justifies these murderous and craven acts; no just and loving God looks upon them with favor. For what he has done, we know that the killer will be met with justice – in this world, and the next.
  • Barack Obama • Speaking at the Fort Hood Memorial ceremony today. This speech was pretty awesome, actually, one of Obama’s best ones. Among other poignant things he said, there’s this striking statement about the often thankless job of being a solider: “In a world of threats that no know borders, their legacy will be marked in the safety of our cities and towns, and the security and opportunity that’s extended abroad.” Kudos. • source

08 Jul 2009 22:57


Culture: This is the last time we ever post about Michael Jackson’s death

07 Jul 2009 12:33


07 Jul 2009 12:30


Politics: Hopefully the MJ story dies after this memorial, but here’s a live stream

  • Most. Annoying. News. Story. Ever. Nothing against Michael Jackson or his fans or his memory, but this thing needs to go away. Hopefully, after this memorial, we can all get on with our lives.source

04 Jul 2009 17:26


Culture: Michael Jackson’s funeral isn’t a media circus without Fred Phelps

  • WBC will be there to remind you to stop worshiping the dead. We will be there to tell you to Thank God for the death of this filthy, adulterous, idolatrous, gender-confused, nationality-confused, unthankful brute beast.
  • A message from the Westboro Baptist Church • Informing the citizens of the world that, yes, they’ll be making Michael Jackson’s funeral on Tuesday. Great. Wonder when the bearded lady and the trapeze artists are showing up. The WBC, of course, is famous for hating gay people and protesting soldiers funerals, because clearly, those are Christian things to do. • source

01 Jul 2009 10:33


Culture: Officials expect lots of people to come to Michael Jackson’s funeral

  • 125 miles of traffic jams are expected; no really source

01 Jul 2009 10:28


Culture: Worst possible place to hold Michael Jackson’s funeral: Neverland

Oh, we know! Let’s put a dead guy who was trying to put his problems behind him in the place that caused most of them! source

27 Jun 2009 21:42


Culture: The scene from Michael Jackson’s hometown, Gary, Indiana

  • Friend of the site Nicole Bogdas took this photo, along with a bunch of others, on Friday. Here’s what’s going on in this shot: “Gordon Keith, owner of the defucnt Steeltown Records and the Jackson 5’s first manager delivers a wreath to Michael Jackson’s boyhood home in Gary, Ind.” Click the link for more. source