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27 Aug 2010 11:57


22 Aug 2010 20:54


World: Chilean miners: A feel-good (unless they don’t get out) story

  • 33 miners are stuck in a Chilean mine, which kinda sucks a lot
  • 17 the amount of time they’ve been stuck in the mine (yikes)
  • one the number of notes rescuers have saying that they’re OK source

15 Mar 2010 10:53


World: First earthquakes, now power outages: Chile can’t get a break

  • 90% of the country went dark last night during a quake fundraiser
  • 2,000 number of miles the massive power outage stretched source

11 Mar 2010 20:31


Politics: Is the mainstream media missing the gay marriage boat?

  • 16% of all links on the blogosphere last week were related to same-sex marriage, as many as Chile
  • 0.1% of newspaper coverage focused
    on it, and instead was health-care-obsessed source

11 Mar 2010 10:47


World: Chile’s new aftershock hit during President Pinera’s inauguration

  • This aftershock hit just as new Chilean president Sebastian Pinera was about to get inaugurated into office, which complicated things, as you might imagine. The quake was strong, but no reports of damage have come out yet. source

11 Mar 2010 10:39


08 Mar 2010 20:12


World: The Chile earthquake shook entire major cities out of alignment

  • 10′ the distance Concepcion was displaced
  • 11″ the distance Santiago was displaced
  • 1″ the distance Buenos Aries moved source

06 Mar 2010 12:20


World: Not helpful when necessary: Chile sacks naval scientist over tsunami

  • A lack of warning leD to hundreds of deaths. Surprising as it may seem, but there was never a nationally-issued tsunami warning in Chile. As a result, Commander Mariano Rojas, who was in charge of the Chilean navy’s Oceanography Service, has been sacked from his job. “People are dead as a result of the government’s mistakes,” said Miguel Rivera, a city councilman in Hualpén, a coastal town directly affected by the tsunami. “Sending out the word in time would have saved a lot of lives.” source

05 Mar 2010 12:06


World: Chile’s earthquake death toll kind of a fluid, imperfect thing

  • 802 number of people reported killed by the quake on Wednesday
  • 279 updated number of people reported killed by the quake on Thursday
  • wtf? Chile claims that the old toll counted people who were still missing source

02 Mar 2010 00:29


World: The massive earthquake in Chile an axis-moving event

  • three
    the distance the Chile quake moved the earth’s axis, which is further than we moved today
  • just
    the amount of time (about 1.26 microseconds) the day has been shortened as a result source