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21 May 2010 12:03


Culture: William Shatner born for “#(@& My Dad Says” sitcom

  • We say spit; why can’t we say *#@(? #*&* is a very natural function of the body. We shouldn’t discard it.
  • “(#(& My Dad Says” star William Shatner • Regarding what the very middle-American CBS should call the show (it’s still under debate). So yeah, this quote kinda ranks up there with the tweets. It’d be fair to say that this could be pretty freaking awesome when it finally hits the air. source

05 May 2010 11:03


Biz: CNN and CBS News: Two great tastes that taste great together?

  • CNN The news network has been getting
    killed in the ratings, but still has one
    of the best news-gathering crews in
    the industry (when not distracted by
    fluff). And hey, Anderson Cooper!
  • CBS News The network had to cut back on
    their news staff, but sees CNN as a
    way to stay competitive. They’re
    also getting killed in the ratings – oh
    hey, Anderson Cooper! source

06 Feb 2010 22:41


Culture: Why was this banned? GoDaddy’s kinda racy Super Bowl ad

  • In honor of Danica Patrick’s killer debut in NASCAR today, here’s the ad she was in for the Super Bowl. CBS denied the ad, which is about a football player whose voice gets higher the second he retires. Lola becomes a lingerie maker, which we’re guessing has less to do with the denial (the skin is on Victoria’s Secret level) than the fact that it’s hinted that Lola is gay. CBS has shown clear discomfort with homosexuality in its Super Bowl ads already.

29 Jan 2010 16:59


Biz, Culture: Update:’s Super Bowl ad rejected by CBS. WTF?

  • We’re calling hypocrite on CBS. A gay-themed ad was rejected by the same company that approved an anti-abortion ad. They’re claiming credit problems, despite the fact that the company was willing to pay cash and had $40 million in venture capital. Come on. This is politics, clear and simple. And we hope that CBS hears it loudly. By the way, GoDaddy’s latest sexapalooza was also rejected. source

20 Jan 2010 09:36


Culture: CBS decides Jack Benny’s legacy worth more to them hidden away

  • Basically, CBS has decided that it could cost too much to pay a lawyer to figure out if they can release these films – or even turn them over to Benny’s fans and family for release – and so it has decided to simply abandon them, sealing them back up in the vault forever.
  • Boing Boing blogger Cory Doctorow • Regarding CBS’ decision to block the release of a set of old Jack Benny masters to the late comic’s fan club, for purposes of remastering. The network blocked the decision despite the footage being public domain, the fan club getting consent from Benny’s family, promising to pay for the remastering themselves, and being genuinely good-intentioned. These 25 episodes were thought lost forever. Now they’ll be locked away in some vault instead. Lame. source

24 Nov 2009 23:44


Culture: Adam Lambert’s “Good Morning America” turned into an “Early Show”

The sting of the American Music Awards is just a little too much for ABC, but that isn’t deterring rival CBS from getting in on some simulated fellatio action. source

07 Oct 2009 20:29


Culture: David Letterman: Avoiding scandal on the show

  • And his fans are just fine with that. For the first time since the sex scandal broke on Thursday’s show, David Letterman avoided discussing it on the show. So did his guests. Good for him. Why should his job be defined by a bunch of personal crap? In our opinion, he handled it well considering the circumstances. And if he were to keep talking about it, it’d be show after show of hell for him. So, give him his hour of scandal-free chat. source

02 Oct 2009 10:13


Culture: More on that mind-blowing David Letterman story from last night

  • The alleged suspect is … CBS News guy Robert J. Halderman, who works on “48 Hours” and used to live with a woman who worked on Letterman. Halderman, a highly respected newsman who’s been given some major projects in the past, has been suspended from his job. In a statement on the case, CBS said, “Mr. Letterman addressed the issue during the show’s broadcast last night, and we believe his comments speak for themselves.” source

01 Oct 2009 22:40


Culture: Jesus Christ, David Letterman. Way to keep us on our toes

  • This morning, I did something I’ve never done in my life. I had to go downtown and testify before a grand jury.
  • David Letterman • Discussing the extortion plot against him on his show tonight. He admitted a couple of big things: He had sex with many of his female staffers, someone tried to extort $2 million dollars out of him, and he went to the authorities rather than go through with it. And you thought Conan O’Brien’s fainting incident was crazy. Larry King is in disbelief even, and he was talking to Jon Gosselin tonight. Somehow, this topped everything that douchebag said. In a way, we’re kind of proud that Letterman was so honest and forthcoming about it. • source

29 Sep 2009 21:36


Culture: Shed some tears for Dan Rather. He lost his lawsuit against CBS.

  • Remember that faked “60 Minutes” piece? Dan Rather does. Years after the blogosphere proved that his Bush National Guard information was suspect (a great story for typophiles, by the way), he’s been fighting a $70 million lawsuit ever since. An appeals court threw it out, saying that they could find no evidence that the network screwed up his future job prospects or reneged on his contract. All this stuff happened so long ago, we forgot Bush was president! source