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10 Oct 2010 22:24


Culture: CBS is totally kicking TV ratings butt this season. Here’s why

  • Big-Tent broad appeal Rather than going for the lucrative 18-49 advertising demo, CBS makes an effort to hit everyone. This season, they’re leading every demographic – including 18-49 – and they’re doing better than usual with younger viewers.
  • basic, not basic cable Instead of trying to hone on on specific, profitable demographics on cable, they’ve stuck with their bread and butter. Sure, CBS owns Showtime, but they don’t have a bunch of basic cable niche channels like the other networks do.
  • Building up, bit by bit CBS adds bits and pieces to their programming repertoire year after year that together create a well-oiled machine. And most of it works. (Well, barring “*#@! My Dad Says,” which has decent ratings but awful reviews.) source

21 May 2010 12:03


Culture: William Shatner born for “#(@& My Dad Says” sitcom

  • We say spit; why can’t we say *#@(? #*&* is a very natural function of the body. We shouldn’t discard it.
  • “(#(& My Dad Says” star William Shatner • Regarding what the very middle-American CBS should call the show (it’s still under debate). So yeah, this quote kinda ranks up there with the tweets. It’d be fair to say that this could be pretty freaking awesome when it finally hits the air. source