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23 Mar 2010 10:19


Tech, World: So, what can you get away with on China’s Internet, anyway?

  • no You can’t use
    sites like Twitter, Facebook, or many
    blogs, because they can spread info quickly.
  • yes Many English
    papers critical of
    China, including
    The New York Times, are easy to
    read in China.
  • yes Despite China
    making an effort to
    block porn on the
    mainland, many
    porn sites are fairly
  • yes People roam
    the Chinese
    interweb and
    get paid to make
    comments by
    China. source

29 Sep 2009 21:36


Culture: Shed some tears for Dan Rather. He lost his lawsuit against CBS.

  • Remember that faked “60 Minutes” piece? Dan Rather does. Years after the blogosphere proved that his Bush National Guard information was suspect (a great story for typophiles, by the way), he’s been fighting a $70 million lawsuit ever since. An appeals court threw it out, saying that they could find no evidence that the network screwed up his future job prospects or reneged on his contract. All this stuff happened so long ago, we forgot Bush was president! source

13 Jul 2009 10:58


Tech: Cornell researchers have tracked how Internet news memes blow up

  • 2.5 hours after a big story hits, it blows up on the blogosphere source