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03 May 2010 10:34


U.S.: Student at failing high school rats out her lazy classmates

  • Some students complain about receiving failing grades in many of their classes, but most are socializing and not focusing on their studies. It feels as if Burke students are only coming to school to interact with their friends.
  • Burke High School student Chrismaldy Morgado • On the root cause of the under-performing status of her Boston-area high school. As a result of the failing grade, the district has decided to fire all the teachers and only re-hire the ones they think are working out. Morgado, however, doesn’t blame the teachers for the problem, but her fellow students. Why them? Because many of them seem to be utterly unfocused on the education aspect of school. Morgado recommends instead that stricter rules should be implemented to ensure students are actually studying in class and not just screwing around with their friends all day. (The comment section on this article, by the way, is actually pretty refreshing.) source

25 Apr 2010 09:53


Politics: Sean Duffy, Real World congressman? Hey, it could happen

  • Back in 1997, when Montana was letting after-school program kids drink alcohol and Syrus was hitting on their parents, The Real World (Season 6, Boston) featured a champion lumberjack amongst its cast members. Now, Sean Duffy‘s long been married to fellow conservative Rachel (Season 3, San Francisco), he’s a longstanding district attorney in his home state of Wisconsin, and he’s giving longstanding Democratic Congressman David Obey fits. Plus, he has bizarro hippie support. A Real World congressman? Hey, at least it wasn’t Puck (Season 3, San Francisco). source

10 Nov 2009 09:55


U.S.: The scariest drunk-girl-nearly-hit-by-train video we’ll post today

  • This hair-raising video should teach you a lesson – when you’re drunk and about to get on the train, stay far away from the yellow line. The woman involved nearly got hit by a train in Boston after falling on the tracks almost immediately before the train came by. The train stopped within an inch of her life. Thank God.source

21 Jun 2009 20:54


U.S.: Accused “Craigslist Killer” Phillip Markoff indicted this weekend

03 Jun 2009 21:03


Culture: How do you teach kids about domestic violence? Create PSAs.

  • A few months ago, a survey came out saying Boston-area teens thought Rihanna was responsible for the Chris Brown domestic violence case. So, as part of a contest, they got high schoolers to make these PSAs to emphasize no, she didn’t do it.source

27 Apr 2009 08:35


U.S.: Oh boy. Accused Craigslist killer: “There’s more coming out”

  • That’s what he told his brother in jail Friday. Philip Markoff, whose life turned upside-down pretty quickly, made the comment during his family’s first visit since his arrest. Markoff is in jail accused of attacking one victim he met on Craigslist and murdering another. “It is unclear if he meant more victims or more evidence,” said a law-enforcement official familiar with the case. By the way, his fiancée, Meghan McAllister, has yet to visit him in jail, and word is that the wedding’s off. source

23 Apr 2009 10:31


U.S.: The apparent “Craigslist killer” has a history that goes back a bit

  • In a doorway, he pushed me up against the wall and tried kissing me. I was trying to push him away, saying, ‘No Phil, get off me.’
  • Morgan Houston • A classmate of Phillip Markoff at State Univeristy of New York-Albany, where she said Markoff attempted to attack her four years ago. It was a close call, and she was saved by a friend. She said it was the only time Markoff attacked her. It appears that Markoff’s motive behind the current attacks, by the way, was to pay off gambling debts. • source

22 Apr 2009 09:39


U.S.: One of the Craiglist killer’s victims survived by “not fighting back”

  • I just complied with everything he wanted me to do. I didn’t resist him in any way and that’s why.
  • Trisha Leffler • One of the Craigslist killer’s apparent victims. She was bound and robbed of $800. She claims that she recognized Philip Markoff, the man accused of the attacks, from the surveillance stills released by police prior to his arrest. • source

21 Apr 2009 10:43


U.S.: Total creepbag with the nickname “Craigslist killer” in custody

  • He visited a massage therapist, then apparently killed her. Phil Markoff, 22, a Boston University student, was arrested yesterday during a traffic stop. Markoff is accused of murdering a masseuse who advertised her services on Craigslist, as well as robbing another woman who did the same. Regarding the medical student’s arrest, police commissioner Ed Davis said, “We are very, very happy to have this man off the street in such a timely way.” source

20 Apr 2009 10:58


Sports: The Boston Marathon is going on right now

In case you care about marathons (a lot of people don’t), this is the one you probably care about most. source