33%of smartphone sales are made by BlackBerry maker RIM
28%of smartphone sales are various phones that run on Google’s Android OS
21%of smartphone sales are made by Apple; note the lack of Microsoft source
» Red herring?: Before we go gaga over these sales numbers, one thing to keep in mind is that Apple only sells one phone, whereas Research in Motion has a whole lineup of phones and Android is used by numerous companies. Business Insider sees a different (and also probably accurate) conclusion: Apple needs to get their phone on Verizon, like yesterday.
HTC strongly advocates intellectual property protection and will continue to respect other innovators and their technologies as we have always done, but we will continue to embrace competition through our own innovation as a healthy way for consumers to get the best mobile experience possible.
HTC Chief Executive Officer Peter Chou • Regarding the lawsuit that Apple filed against it. They’re not backing down, which is probably a good move on their part. If anything, though, Google should figure out a way to help them, seeing as it’s, again, a proxy war. HTC notes that it’s made 50 smartphones since 2002, so they know a thing or two about innovation in the market. source
This is what happens in Silicon Valley. When you’re big enough to become a threat, I’ll slap a suit on you sometimes just to slow you down.
Yuanta Securities head of Greater China research Gary Chia • Regarding the lawsuit Apple brought against HTC. The Taiwanese company, best-known for making cell phones for Google’s Android software (including the Nexus One), is considered one of the island’s best-managed technology companies. The patent suit could really hurt their profile, which has been rising lately. It’s totally unfair, too, because it’s clearly a proxy war against Google, who is the REAL source of Apple’s patent grief. source
Oh boy, this could get ugly. HTC, which produces a number of Google Android phones (including the Nexus One) was sued by the iPhone maker for violating 20 Apple patents. “We can sit by and watch competitors steal our patented inventions, or we can do something about it. We’ve decided to do something about it,” noted Steve Jobs. “We think competition is healthy, but competitors should create their own original technology, not steal ours.” Holy crap. Did you hear that SLAAAAAAAPPPPP? source
They could set themselves up for a patent battle with Apple. When the Google Nexus One launched, one of the biggest things it was lacking was multitouch – a seemingly obvious advantage the iPhone (along with Palm’s Pre and Pixi) held over it. Apple has a lot of patents on the technology, which would seemingly make it off limits. Today, though, Google enabled the feature in a software update, which should at the very least cause a cluster#(&@ … or nothing. We’ll see. source
Oh, and Brazil too, but still … not the U.S. Dell’s Mini 3, anew Google Android-based smartphone, has no shot of really gaining a foothold in the U.S. It’s Dell (boring computers) doing a smartphone (boring smartphones). So, rather than waste all that energy trying to impress American customers who already have iPhones, Pres and Droids to gawk at, they’ve decided to strike out on two different markets which aren’t so staked out by these phones. Good luck selling your boring phones, Dell. source