Politics: Max Headroom: Alvin Greene has an official(ly supported) theme song
We miss Jake Tapper Jake Tapper’s last week headlining ABC News’ “This Week” was a bittersweet affair, and this interview with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie shows why Tapper was a natural at this. Christiane Amanpour, you have a lot to live up to.
Alvin Greene’s Rap While this video certainly makes it seem like Alvin Greene created it (and has an extreme LeBron James fetish) he didn’t. Doesn’t matter. His long-shot campaign needs whatever PR it can get right now, so why the heck not?
Howard Dean relevantBack in 2004, before that whole scream thing ruined his chances at the presidency, he was actually worth watching. Now, he’s on “Fox News Sunday” … calling Fox News racist for their Shirley Sherrod coverage. Welcome back, Howie!