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28 Jun 2009 11:30


World: Just this morning, Jose Manuel Zelaya didn’t see a coup coming

  • Everything was in place for the coup and if the U.S. embassy had approved it, it would have happened. But they did not … I’m only still here in office thanks to the United States.
  • (Uh, former) Honduran President Jose Manuel Zelaya • Quoted this morning in Spain’s El Pais as saying he would not in fact, be couped. Way to speak too soon. Zelaya tried to put in a referendum which the country’s Supreme Court decided was unconstitutional. He said he was going to do it anyway. He had completely noble reasons for the non-binding referendum, he said, which would have encouraged a constitutional referendum at the same time as the 2010 elections to allow for future presidents to be re-elected. Instead, he’s been put into exile. • source

28 Jun 2009 11:20


World: Honduras’ president, Jose Manuel Zelaya, just got couped today

He tried to put a referendum on a second referendum to allow for re-election of presidents. Instead, he got arrested by the military. source

28 Jun 2009 03:48


27 Jun 2009 21:49


Tech: We don’t think Sony understands why people buy netbooks

  • $2,000 for the uber-not-cheap Vaio P netbook source

27 Jun 2009 21:42


Culture: The scene from Michael Jackson’s hometown, Gary, Indiana

  • Friend of the site Nicole Bogdas took this photo, along with a bunch of others, on Friday. Here’s what’s going on in this shot: “Gordon Keith, owner of the defucnt Steeltown Records and the Jackson 5’s first manager delivers a wreath to Michael Jackson’s boyhood home in Gary, Ind.” Click the link for more. source

27 Jun 2009 21:25


Culture: Jesse Jackson: Michael Jackson’s first autopsy wasn’t good enough

  • Jesse Jackson, speaking for the family, says they want another one. Jesse (no relation) has been in close contact with the family and visited them yesterday. “It’s abnormal,” he said. “We don’t know what happened. Was he injected and with what? All reasonable doubt should be addressed.” Michael, of course, was rumored to be addicted to prescription medications. His body has been released to the family, but there’s no word on whether a second autopsy has taken place yet. source

27 Jun 2009 20:51


Politics, U.S.: NPR: Debating “torture” vs. “harsh interrogation techniques”

  • If journalists use the words ‘harsh interrogation techniques,’ they can be seen as siding with the White House … If journalists use the word “torture,” then they can be accused of siding with those who are particularly and visibly still angry at the previous administration.
  • NPR Ombudsman Alicia C. Shepard • Debating the merits of describing the techniques on terrorism suspects in the U.S. as torture, vs. the administration-preferred “harsh interrogation techniques.” It’s a dialogue on how language can be used by those on both sides of a debate – one which Shepard found herself right in the middle of thanks to a column she wrote earlier in the week, which Salon’s Glenn Greenwald roundly criticized. We use both at random intervals, just to screw with people. • source

27 Jun 2009 18:39


Music: Saturday Mixtape: Bizarre WTF covers of Michael Jackson songs

  • Michael Jackson is the most pervasive artist of our generation, and to prove it, we looked to see what sort of crazy covers of his songs we could find. And boy, we weren’t disappointed.

    1. Our first interpretation is “Beat It” by Inactive Messiah, a Greek melodic death metal band. The intro is very graceful, but our favorite part is when singer Xristos starts growling.

    2. It’s too easy for us to put Alien Ant Farm’s cover of “Smooth Criminal” here. So we put this loose electronica-by-way-of-jazz interpretation by J.Viewz (remixed by S.T.Louder) here instead.

    3. Willie Nelson has a history of bizarre cover choices, unrivaled by any country crooner except Johnny Cash. But did Cash ever cover Michael Jackson’s “She’s Out of My Life”? We think not. (Nelson’s version still makes us cry. :( )

    4. Only Michael Jackson could be covered sensibly in both death metal and Bossanova-leaning smooth jazz styles. The guy guilty of this “Man in the Mirror” cover is Brazilian crooner Paulinho Loureiro.

    5. We totally saved the best/worst for last. Five words: “Black or White,” polka-style. Blame Texingtal Musikanten. source

27 Jun 2009 17:55


Offbeat, U.S.: AWWWW, these newly-born Colorado lynx cubs are so cute!!!!!!!

They’re the first newly-born lynxes in Colorado’s wilderness in a decade. Soon, they’ll be ruthless predators ready to claw your face in – just like us! source

27 Jun 2009 17:13


Biz, Tech: What are Google and Facebook fighting for? Lots of ad money

  • $50 billion amount of ad money floating around the Internet each year; much of it goes to Google source