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20 Apr 2009 21:20


Music, Tech: Are you in a band? Want an iPhone app? Meet MobileRoadie.

Now your band can make a cool iPhone app without all the complications of knowing what you’re doing. source

20 Apr 2009 21:08


World: This seems like a good way to spoil a U.N. anti-racism conference

  • It is all the more regrettable that a number of Western governments and the United States have committed themselves to defend those racist perpetrators of genocide.
  • Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad • Who used the conference as a pulpit for his controversial views against Israel. The U.S. chose not to go beforehand, and numerous envoys walked out of the room while Ahmadinejad made his not-dividing-at-all remarks. • source

20 Apr 2009 21:00


U.S.: A bunch of newspapers won a bunch of Pulitzer Prizes

  • The usual suspects The thing about Pulitzer prizes is that you tend to know who will probably win some – The New York Times, The Washington Post, The St. Petersburg Times and a few other critically-acclaimed big names in journalism. We’re not discounting the journalism. It’s some of the best journalism out there. And if you don’t read these papers online, you’re missing out on some great work. source
  • The usual suspects The thing about Pulitzer prizes is that you tend to know who will probably win some – The New York Times, The Washington Post, The St. Petersburg Times and a few other critically-acclaimed big names in journalism. We’re not discounting the journalism. It’s some of the best journalism out there. And if you don’t read these papers online, you’re missing out on some great work.
  • The highlights Perhaps the biggest nod should go to the Detroit Free Press, whose initial uncovering of Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick’s extramarital affair brought down a sitting mayor. The New York Times also won for bringing down Gov. Eliot Spitzer, and St. Petersburg Times reporter Lane DeGregory wrote a harrowing, must-read story of a neglected child called “The Girl in the Window.” source

20 Apr 2009 20:35


Tech: Video games are ultra-addictive, just like our personality

  • 8.5% of young kids can’t lay off the Wii smack source

20 Apr 2009 12:59


Culture, Tech: We’re pulling for you, Stephen Hawking! :(

  • I have been lucky, that my condition has progressed more slowly than is often the case. But it shows that one need not lose hope.
  • Stephen Hawking • In a quote on his Web site. The 67-year-old scientist and writer, famous for his brilliance despite being crippled by Lou Gehrig’s Disease, is in a hospital and said to be “very ill.” Fingers crossed, man. Hope you pull through. • source

20 Apr 2009 10:58


Sports: The Boston Marathon is going on right now

In case you care about marathons (a lot of people don’t), this is the one you probably care about most. source

20 Apr 2009 10:49


Offbeat: This waiter is a regular Frank Abagnale. Catch him if you can.

  • $186 collected in tips by the fake waiter. Genius. source

20 Apr 2009 10:45


U.S., World: For those who don’t think waterboarding is torture, explain this

20 Apr 2009 10:39


Politics, U.S.: Bush makes an overseas trip, sidesteps Obama criticism

  • He was not my first choice, but now that this election was made, it speaks volumes about the United States of America.
  • Former president George W. Bush • Who also made dog poop jokes while speaking in China for the Boao Forum. If nothing else, we appreciate how he’d rather tell funny anecdotes than give his ideologically-opposed successor trouble. • source

20 Apr 2009 10:23


Tech: Adobe wants to expand Flash’s reach beyond the PC

  • Adobe’s most valuable cash cow has transformed from being the driving engine behind Animutation to being the driving engine behind online video sites such as YouTube and Hulu. source
  • They aren’t ready to settle for that; they want a much bigger piece of the pie – the set-top television market. Adobe’s CEO will address the National Association of Broadcasters today. source